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What size box should i make??

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My 18' Bl comes soon i wanna start workin on the box.......i want that shit loud and heard from a distance while it still pounds your insides!!! hhahaha....anyways what should i build a small box medium or large for my needs...can anyone explain the differences in the quaility of sounds from differnt size boxes???and when i mean large im talking like the size of my lancers trunk which isnt that large but still nice...

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Great, You Want To Be A Social Menace, I Should've Known.

We Need More Info, What Amp Are You Using (Brand And Model.)

Measure How High, Deep, And Wide Your Trunk Is, Then Come Back And Ask.

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hahaha im sorry i cause so much trouble but im intrested in subwoofers even though i have no clue about them...Im just trying to learn more about them...and btw i messed up on the big 3 someone told me the wrong info b4,,but ne ways its a Boss CX3500D runs at about 3500w and 2100RMS at 2 ohms,,i kno its not a good amp but it was in my price range..i had to buy over powerd becuz bosses are overrated...if you can help any plz do. O and as for the car i dont have it yet hahahah.....im picking it up this morning its my grad present, but once i get it ill re edit this form.

Edited by KyleEbbert

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