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sealing off the trunk

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heres a friendly reminder of what the subs/box looked like when i first put it in over a year ago(i never found a reason to take an updated pic considering nothing ever changed)


I yanked the subs to spray some spectrum in the box. mainly to make sure the subs are sealed a little better and because ive had the spectrum sitting forever so might as well do something with it. I sprayed just under a gallon in both chambers.















Made some cardboard lip extensions. the goal here was to be able to attach the the fabric to the lip and stretch it into the box holes... We were unsure if this was gonna work well but it was the best idea/shot we had.




Starting the fabric/resin










as you can tell it worked. We were afraid the resin would eat up any adhesive we used on the fabric and just completely fall apart. before we left the shop it was gelling up pretty well without any issues so it should be fine/dry in the morning

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It looks very nice so far.

Always wanted a boob dustcap for my xxx :lol:

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yup i like the look alot better then the inverted. Scott hooked it up with some blank ones and i had the xxx and re decals put on and the whole thing clear coated. there's a bit of orange peel on the clear coat so it could look a lil better but it still looks hella good (you cant really tell anyway thou

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thanks all... took off the shaping ring and got some actual glass on there today its going very well

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lol everyone has been talking shit about the wiring.... in all actuality everything other behind the quarter panel is pretty clean and ziptied (other then a few random wires i just ran) the whole rats nest on top of the rear deck is all temporary... i have 2 amps on the rear seats for now but once i get one more ill be able to put everything on the rear deck cut down the wires and clean it all up

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That is looking nice keep the pictures coming

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i wasnt going to post just this but since LBD asked: we removed the wood shaping ring and added some actual fiberglass


Edited by EmperorJJ1

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If the vinyl doesnt work out, than keep the black on there.

It may just be the pics but it turned out looking very good. :D

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ya it actually looked nice in person as well. but just got it back from the upholstery shop and the vinyl came out looking pretty good

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mmm avatar. i guess i must of missed the actual post on PTS but i memmer u starting to talk about it

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Just got it back from the upholstery shop... i need to remake the lip extension (originally did cardboard) to help seal it off 100% and fill a few big holes on the rear deck (just finished making sure all the little ones were sealed) and ill be ready to go. Next thing is probably the rear deck




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mmm avatar. i guess i must of missed the actual post on PTS but i memmer u starting to talk about it

Yeah I'm just putting the SSA name out there lol

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