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Wisdom Teeth

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Hi all. I just had my wisdom teeth taken out at 9 this morning under full anesthesia. Feel great until I take the gauze out and it's a nice achy dull pain ALL the way through my jaw. Just kind of wondering other peoples experiences with this and how long it took them to heal/get back to working.

Bottom two were completely impacted and the upper two just partially. I guess I was singing some 80's jam when I woke up?

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it took me about 10 hrs after the operation before i felt like eating again.

It took about 36-48hrs to actually feel like walkin around the house and doin normal things.

It took 4-5 days after operation before i could feel normal working since the pain and pain pills were affecting me.

It took about 2 weeks before the hole in my mouth healed so food could finally quit getting stuck down there.

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i got my wisdom teeth taken out on Friday... thankfully i didn't swell up

i didn't eat whole food till the following week

You do not want to have food stuck in those holes... it is very hard to remove and if u don't get everything out

It starts to smell...

i just spend the whole weekend sleeping on meds...

If you don't messed with your mouth and you will heal way faster!!!

Edited by Johnnymgl

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That's roughly the answer I get from a lot of people. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I feel fine really. It's only been maybe six hours, but I think if I had to I could go into work tonight, haha.

We'll see what tomorrow brings though :(

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well i felt fine after my opt. too

the next day, on the other hand, sucked!!!

just keep on the meds too

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Good luck with the pain.. I heard its not too bad after a few days. I'm lucky. when i got my braces they pulled 3 teeth and now that my wisdoms are coming in they are coming in straight as can be :D

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lols. I was 21 when I had all mine taken out. I was knocked out, and really dizzy all day long. That night decided to go to the bar with a few friends and all though the doctor told me not to each solid food, the booze told me different. Felt fine the next day too. I guess I was lucky in that regard. lols.

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the worst part for me was not being able to eat the day of the operation

had it done in the morning, by the evening, I felt fine cept for being fucking hungry

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I had no pain, swelling, or any type of side effects. I didn't need any meds either. I was lucky.

Like has been mentioned, the worst part is being careful with what you eat. Brushing can be a pain as well.

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I had no pain, swelling, or any type of side effects. I didn't need any meds either. I was lucky.

Same here, although I did wake up at one point during the procedure, albeit for a split second, due to the intense amount of yanking the doctor applied to the tooth. Apparently they were stubborn bastards to get out, :wacky:

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Just get a little syringe and squirt water into the hole if something gets stuck, do it after you eat something just to make sure its clean.

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I got mine out in high school (over spring break. Thanks for planning that one, mom). I felt fine enough to ask my mom if I could drive home, but she said no. The worst part was the gauze they made me keep in my mouth for like 6 hours afterwards. They kept getting full of saliva and blood and just gross feeling. I never had a problem with pain, but my cheeks swelled up like a chipmunk for 4 days. That sucked. But the worst part was that one of them got infected like a week later, and I had to go in and have the doctor poke a needle into my gum in a few places, with no anesthesia, and drain the fluid. It was also gross and that hurt a bunch.

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I got mine out in high school (over spring break. Thanks for planning that one, mom). I felt fine enough to ask my mom if I could drive home, but she said no.

i got mine pulled the day before my 18th birthday. hahahahaha i asked to drive home too. tried really hard to convince her i was ok...but i wasnt. apparently i confessed to getting pulled over multiple times she didnt know about lol.

i had to get mine cut out. next day (on my bday) went back to work like nothing happened. just had to be careful of what i ate for a while. milkshakes and macaroni are your friend

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i just spend the whole weekend sleeping on meds...

Good advice right there. Thats what I did for two days, woke up had something to eat and never had any problems. Got drunk and ate a steak on the third day in fact.

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I've felt absolutely fine today. I think I've taken 3 vicoden in the past two days. Very, very moderate amount of swelling. I've been living on the Carnation Instant Breakfast though. Stuff doesn't taste too bad and has all the vitamins and minerals to hold me off for a few days!

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had mine taken out last monday. never really swelled up. 3rd day was the worst BY FAR! 3 hours after was pretty miserable though i got really sick and felt sick all day. im still sore and just now being able to eat cheeseburgers and things like that. the doc told me on average it takes about 2 weeks to be FULLY able to eat anything. they gave me 2 different pain meds though so that was never really a problem.

also, MAKE SURE to use the syringe and rinse out the holes after about a week. you'll be amazed at the stuff that will come out.

Edited by casedawg350

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mine was really painless, woke up barely bleeding, not swollen, and i was able to eat 30 mins afterward. didnt take one oxycontin.


it wont be too bad after a little while as many has mentioned.

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great, mine get taken out in 3 weeks. my friends have said it was only 2 days before they were fine again though....yall must have some crazy wisdom teeth thing goin on

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I thought getting knocked out for this procedure was way expensive?

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I thought getting knocked out for this procedure was way expensive?

my whole thing was like 2 grand. insurance covered it though.

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mine was aprox 600 bucks.. its well worth it. getting 4 teeth pulled at one time is HORRIBLE experience, ive been there i had to get my 4 pre-knines out, hurt horribly bad

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