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Ok so let me get this straight........so 1 ohm basically is the max power of the sub...but when u go to 2 ohms its cut in half because its spread out to 2 motors but overall pretty much matching the same power as the 1ohm???and 4ohms basically overall matching the same power as the others if each ohm was combined???/ Im real confused someone explain it!!!!!Also what you think is better a 2ohm BL or 1ohm..

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As John said, it's a measure of resistance. The lower the ohm load, the lower the resistance. When you lower the resistance, you make the "pipe" larger. This allows more current to flow through it thus giving you more power. 1ohm on 1, 2, or 3 subwoofers it 1ohm. It will put the same amount of power out no matter how many woofers you have wired to it. It will, however, divide the power between the woofers.

The lower the resistance, the more power.

***Not all amplifiers are designed to run at 1ohm.

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I think we need to make a sticky thread of what ohms are. A lot of people have been asking lately.

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It seems like people cannot google. Wikipedia has the basic info you will need.

I would think people would know this through basic high school physics.

Edited by phi

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It seems like people cannot google. Wikipedia has the basic info you will need.

I would think people would know this through basic high school physics.

I kno what ohms do but not with subwoofers......thats the whole point of this thread smartass..

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it doesnt matter what BL you get just make sure if you get a dual 1 ohm sub then you can wire it to 0.5 ohms or 2 ohms ; if you get a dual 2 ohm sub then you can wire it 1 ohm or 4 ohms.

Once you figure out what sub your gonna get then you figure out how you want to wire it and what amp you need. For example if you get a dual 2 ohm subwoofer, you should wire it down to 1 ohm and then find you a 1 ohm stable amp that does rated rms as your subwoofer or a little more.

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It seems like people cannot google. Wikipedia has the basic info you will need.

I would think people would know this through basic high school physics.

I kno what ohms do but not with subwoofers......thats the whole point of this thread smartass..

On Behalf Of phi I Will Say This. Get A Dual 2 Ohm BL And A Sundown SAZ-1500D From Wherever You Can Find One. If You Need A Location I Will Gladly Point You Towards One. Simple Enough, Dumbass?

( This Is Meant To Be Funny In Light Of Your "smartass" Saying, Don't Get Offensive. )

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It seems like people cannot google. Wikipedia has the basic info you will need.

I would think people would know this through basic high school physics.

I kno what ohms do but not with subwoofers......thats the whole point of this thread smartass..

If you really knew what ohms were, then why ask the question. It's not like it changes on sub woofers, it is still a measurement of resistance. Why is it we have been getting a lot of "e-thugs" on here lately lol.

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It seems like people cannot google. Wikipedia has the basic info you will need.

I would think people would know this through basic high school physics.

I kno what ohms do but not with subwoofers......thats the whole point of this thread smartass..

If you really knew what ohms were, then why ask the question. It's not like it changes on sub woofers, it is still a measurement of resistance. Why is it we have been getting a lot of "e-thugs" on here lately lol.

I Love Non-Retarded People Like You. :D

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Keep it civil.

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