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midbass on doors install...

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in the quest for possibly the best SQ to our ears, proper install would always be needed, proper positioning and aiming etc...

but on the midbass install part on doors, sometimes we feel something still is lacking... even though we have done all the possible deadening etc needed.

and ending up in trying to fit an 8" on the doors. modifying the door moldings and cutting through the metal sheet...

Question is... is it worth it? destroying some parts the your car used as daily driven just for the midbass sound were looking for?

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The answer is different for each person. What isn't worth it to you might be worth it to others.

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midbass >> bass IMO, I'd forego subs before real midbass

although there are some cars I won't cut up

<--for instance

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that is what i was really thinking of... "diff stokes for diff folks"...

honestly im might even be one of those that would be part of... "dont cut it!"

maybe due to so many things or plans that im hoping to do, im already getting paranoid or over analyzing things... hahaha!

may be, a good option now is to look into 6.5" subs, so that the bass would be upfront... ?

planned system is to cut it at 50hz up to 200hz or maybe 250hz.

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I mounted my midbass (a Genesis Absolute 7") in my car and in my truck (incriminator audio 6 1/2") in the kickpanel of both vehicles on axis ans venting to the outside of the vehicle. I have a 4" hole in both of them that goes to the outside.

I've had door mounted midbass more times than I can count, I won't ever do it again. It is almost impossible to stop all of the rattles. There are also some songs out there that will always pull to the doors. Pathlengths suck in the door.

After fighting all that for years, I gave up. The kicks vented to the outside works great.

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I mounted my midbass (a Genesis Absolute 7") in my car and in my truck (incriminator audio 6 1/2") in the kickpanel of both vehicles on axis ans venting to the outside of the vehicle. I have a 4" hole in both of them that goes to the outside.

I've had door mounted midbass more times than I can count, I won't ever do it again. It is almost impossible to stop all of the rattles. There are also some songs out there that will always pull to the doors. Pathlengths suck in the door.

After fighting all that for years, I gave up. The kicks vented to the outside works great.

I just want to clarify. If you couldn't (more appropriately wouldn't) vent to the outside obviously it would be the other way around (excluding of course some big ass enclosures). Too many people could read that and miss out on the very important venting. ;)

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