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BL and BTL in the same box

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Not at the same time!

I have two boxes built for my single 12BL. (D2, loaded, daily)

One is 2.5cuft @ 32. Slot port. Homemade

The other is 2.0cuft @ 32. Kerfed port. PTS

They are both designed around the 12BL t/a parameters.

Two questions.

Is the BTL a substantial upgrade from the BL?

Could I use the 12BTL in the same box which was designed for the 12BL?

Edited by b34tBoX

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Look at your box and description and read the thread John pointed you to. It should not only answer your question but make you feel like that part of your question was easy to answer.

As for the "upgrade" that all depends on your goals. Personally it would do nothing for me, but for you it will probably be much different.

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There's nothing wrong with using the same box.

In this case there isn't. Generally you wouldn't want to though.

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