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I just got a 2002 police interceptor for 2k and want to put a system in it. I listen only to rap and love deep clear bass; I want either a single 15 or dual 12's. I want to spend $1500 or less

  1. Should i get a single 15 or 2 12's?
  2. What brand should i get?
  3. What should i power it with?
  4. Why?

I know i didnt provide a lot of information (i dont know what other info to provide) and this is all personal preference but any help is much appreciated. :fing34:

I don't know trunk dimensions at this point (car's in the shop)

Edited by Jake Furnari

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you know you didn't provide enough information for us to help you, so what the fuck is this pointless post for?

we need a budget, dimensions / how much space you got for a box, do you even want your front stage to compare to your bass? or are you just a basshead? there's so many varibles you needa give before anyone can help you at all.

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I just got a 2002 police interceptor for 2k and want to put a system in it. I listen only to rap and love deep clear bass; I want either a single 15 or dual 12's.

  1. Should i get a single 15 or 2 12's?
  2. What brand should i get?
  3. What should i power it with?
  4. Why?

I know i didnt provide a lot of information and this is all personal preference but any help is much appreciated. :fing34:

Just give us a budget and we'll start from there

you know you didn't provide enough information for us to help you, so what the fuck is this pointless post for?

we need a budget, dimensions / how much space you got for a box, do you even want your front stage to compare to your bass? or are you just a basshead? there's so many varibles you needa give before anyone can help you at all.

Are you always a dick?

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only on days that i am working, and thats the only time im on here...

guess i'll try an tone it down a bit.

Edited by Earsplitter

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Im feelin the ssa icon 15 and saz1000d combo. lol


Your 100% positive you can fit a 15 in that trunk in the proper box right?

What is the proper amount of cubic ft. for ssa icon 15 in a ported box?

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He wasn't being a dick, he was stating the obvious.

To the OP, with that trunk, you are not too limited with what you can do. You have a vast amount of space, so depending on how much you want to use. . . Also, rap and SQ can never be mentioned together.

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my bad. learning as i go. I dont care about the trunk ill use the whole thing if i have to

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my bad. learning as i go. I dont care about the trunk ill use the whole thing if i have to

No worries, welcome to the site. SSA, as a collective, really tries to work together so everyone can learn along the way, instead of just give knee-jerk post responses that don't really contribute to the forum or help the original poster asking the question like you will find on other forums. Also, not sure if I missed it or not, but did you budget in for any front stage? (front speakers and amplifier?) Asking because, you can get a nice strong mono block amp and a sweet sub (like the Icon ;) nice plug), but they will easily over power the rest of the system with little effort, so any semblance of sound quality will be punted out the window.

If you could budget in a nice 2 channel and a pair of components for the front, or separate mids and tweets and a small 4 channel, added to the sub and amp for the rear, you would see a sizable performance increase if installed correctly. Also, what head unit do you have? (or did I miss that)

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you know you didn't provide enough information for us to help you, so what the fuck is this pointless post for?

we need a budget, dimensions / how much space you got for a box, do you even want your front stage to compare to your bass? or are you just a basshead? there's so many varibles you needa give before anyone can help you at all.

Maybe you read too fast, but he did give you a budget : he said $1500 or less!!!

You could be a little more "joyfull", happy or cool, or whatever, with a new member !!! New members could be afraid of that kind of answer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And welcome here Jake !!!

Don't be afraid, people here are cool, and can be really helpfull. They give you good advices, and can make you save money!!!

Have a good day !

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