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Looking for some feedback on my box designs

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The box is for a pair of DC Level 4 18's in the back of a 2007 Suburban with all seats in, including the third row.I have the following for outer dimensions to work with:

27 x 49 x27



Now my drawing shows a height of 26 1/2, but I'm only counting the height at 25 3/4 in the Box Calc program because the top board was double baffled. I'm seeing a box tuning at 33hz.

Here is my other design, this one is pretty much the same as the first except for both subs and port firing up. What do you guys think?

Box Design:


I think I still like the whole port and subs up design better. My current box is a dual chambered double slot ported box. Each chambered tunned to 32hz.

Has anyone gone from running subs up/port back to subs up/port up and if so did you like the outcome of that change? I've always ran subs up/port back and don't want to go through the hasle of changing to subs&port up if my output will suffer.

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Subs up port back normally yields more output.

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1st one should bang... i mean C'mon


but thats on 2 custom nightshade 18's and a 7k atomic...u cant really go wrong with subs up port back with the right colculations

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I think it would depend on how close to the rear gate your box is. Ports need a little room to breathe. If the back of the box is basically butted up against the back hatch, that won't work very well and subs up, port up box would be better. But if you have at least 3-4", you could do either design.

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What program is that? I really really really really need one of those...

yep, box program is sketchup, the box calculator is mine :D you can download it from the link in my sig. make sure you go to the latest link in the thread since i cant edit my original post yet.

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Subs up port back normally yields more output.

yet another valuable piece of information,

thank you.

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Subs up port back, FTW.

That's how my Yukon XL is set up, cept I have 15" and more space to the rear door. Didnt want to give up all my storage.

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