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Simple Questions

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Hey guys help me out here i just have a couple short questions. I just ordered a 15" BTL not too long ago and I'm still undecided on what amp what buy. The two I'm stuck on are a Rocford T20001BD or an AudioQ 2200D. What would be a better fit for the sub? Another major thing I was curious on was which one would be better on power? I heard the T2K is very power hungry. Also which amp has better quality over all? Another thing is that I can pick up the AQ2200D for almost $200 less which is a big deciding factor. Does anybody have either of these amps that can give me some feedback on them? I'd appreciate any response and advice. Thanks.

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Get some different batteries other than optimas and you'll save money there too. Deka 9a31 is a great choice for the money. Remember that it takes power to make power so both of those amps are going to be a little power hungry. I guess it would go down to which you can get for less so get the AQ.

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