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Help with 12" L7 box?

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Ok. I've had 2 12" kicker l7's for a while, but blew one due to shitty setup, and not knowing anything and clipping all the time. Now that I've matured in car audio and have learned to respect the sq and not just bump myself stupid, I decided I wanted to go back and find out what the L7 is actually capable of given the right box.

Now is where the trouble starts.

I have no idea where to start building a box. I really have no idea how to either. Right now, the two subs are in a prefab dual ported chambered box and that is all I know. One sub is blown too, and I have no idea the tuning.

I really want to build a new box. I'm not asking for step by step directions, just some good guidelines, and maybe some material I could read up on. Also, if it helps, I'll be buying a 2000 celica soon too, if that gives you any idea of the space. Thanks thanks thanks!

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celica is a hatch so sub up port back will be a good start the l7's being square tend to like larger boxes compared to other subs of same size so a 12 should be about 2.5-3 cu with 25 - 45sqin of port area tuning 32-36 should be good for those subs daily this is based on rated power higher power and box size should decrease. not sure what dimensions will fit in a celica so i cant give you an exact size

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I might even tune higher depending on your goals, which would be helpful to understand. When you say "capable of" what do you mean exactly? Luckily for you, IMO the L7 is easier to build a box for as the shape of the cone itself is easier to cut out than a circle with just a jigsaw.

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I might even tune higher depending on your goals, which would be helpful to understand. When you say "capable of" what do you mean exactly? Luckily for you, IMO the L7 is easier to build a box for as the shape of the cone itself is easier to cut out than a circle with just a jigsaw.

Well, I'm going for less spl, and more sq. I really want a box that will let it hit lows, seeing as on all the songs with lower bass, such as put on, white girl, and throw it up, the sub would just bottom out, which I think caused the first one to blow. Right now I have a 15" sub, and it hits lows, and I really want to hear that with the L7. I've seen plenty of videos on L7's hitting these lows, so it really makes me wonder.

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We need some details on your current box

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Dimensions, port, pretty much everything. With nothing to go on it is impossible to really improve as a starting point is required.

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alright. sorry that took so long.

the box itself is 34" long 13.5" wide and 18" deep.

port is 12" long

about 1.5" wide

and 17.5" deep. The box itself is a dual chambered L shaped ported box.

I don't know what else to add. Any more specifics?

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