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Sub Box

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Got a Nightshade 12 D1 and I have no box making skills so I'm at the mercy of someone else to have a box made. What would you guys recommend? Should I have it built at the local Car Audio shop, or would a place like this be ok?


If this site isn't any good, anybody have any alternatives online? Thanks.

Edited by Dave305

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well building a box is easy! and ppl charge to much to build them and to ship b/c they can get quite heavy!

first you need to ask yourself are you going to go ported or sealed? (ported i hope)

then you need to ask yourself slot port or a aero port!

and then finaly go over to this site and see what you can do with your dimensions


and here is an even better site if you are going to go with a port/slotted box!


notice the RED number! just highlight them and change them to match your trunk! then notice on the bottem it also gives you a material list! which is cool!

now onto building it, always predrill (whatever the box says to pre-drill ex: number 8 wood screw needs a 1/8 pilot), then clear and counterbore (or counter sink) the piece ontop! ALWAYS use wood glue between each piece and always use caulk when you are all done to make sure it is all sealed up nicely!

to a look at my build!


keep in mind the 12inch sub wants a 1.5cubic tuned to 34-35hz! now you have a starting now go from there! and ask any question you may have! as for putting carpet on...use 3m super77 spray glue, or a hot glue gun(just work fast lol), or you can always just paint your box!

well i hope this helps you out and gives you a good starting point! i know i may have left somethings out but i am sure someone else can fill in the blanks!



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