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Alternator + Batteries

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Trying to figure out what size alternator I'm going to need and how many batteries I'll need.

I'm figuring at least a 250 amp alt and 2 D3100 powermasters, plus a yellow top under the hood.

Will be running a Clif Designs 4800.1lx and probably a Sundown 100.2 or 125.2.

Is there a way to calculate what I'll need or is this all a guessing game?

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i'm assumin that's a 4800w amp?

If this is strictly for daily drivin, get the largest alt u can get, 250-300A for your ride.

For batteries- a single D3100 can keep up with that setup as long as u have at least a 250A alt.

You "might" have slight voltage drop but nothin below 13.0v, lucky if u drop to 13.5 if ur alt runs at 14.9v that is.

If u want utmost solid voltage possible, dual D3100s would be like the master system for your electrical needs. You still need a high output alt regardless.

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  shizzzon said:
i'm assumin that's a 4800w amp?

If this is strictly for daily drivin, get the largest alt u can get, 250-300A for your ride.

For batteries- a single D3100 can keep up with that setup as long as u have at least a 250A alt.

You "might" have slight voltage drop but nothin below 13.0v, lucky if u drop to 13.5 if ur alt runs at 14.9v that is.

If u want utmost solid voltage possible, dual D3100s would be like the master system for your electrical needs. You still need a high output alt regardless.

The amps actually rated at 5200 watts, but I'm going to set the gain to hopefully have it much lower than that.

Unfortunately, a 250 amp alt. seems to be the largest I can find and Ive checked quite a few places.

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mechman and iraggi alternator makes 300a alts for some cars... if u got the money, usually close to 700

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  shizzzon said:
mechman and iraggi alternator makes 300a alts for some cars... if u got the money, usually close to 700

Checked both and the highest from mech is 250 and iraggi is a 240A. I might have to see if someone can custom build one.

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if u do, be VERY careful.

Do not let someone just rewind an alt to 300A and say, ok it's done.

They must upgrade everything for it to work or it will overheat and die.

Need a larger case, bigger rectifier, regulator for the job, etc. and make sure if u do get a 300A alt custom that it is rated for HOT and not cold.

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  shizzzon said:
if u do, be VERY careful.

Do not let someone just rewind an alt to 300A and say, ok it's done.

They must upgrade everything for it to work or it will overheat and die.

Need a larger case, bigger rectifier, regulator for the job, etc. and make sure if u do get a 300A alt custom that it is rated for HOT and not cold.

Oh, I meant like asking mechman, EA, Iraggi, OhioGen, etc...not some random guy lol.

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if its a daily driver you want to probably stcik with the 250 amp because once you go past that you will lose your output at idle whcih is very important for a daily driver

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