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Looking At BL 12", Please Help :)

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So i'm interested in purchasing one 12" BL subwoofer but don't know what to select for the options. It will be going into a 2008 Nissan Altima and being powered by a Clarion DPX1001.2 and the specs are:

250 watts RMS x 2 at 4 ohms

450 watts RMS x 2 at 2 ohms

500 watts RMS x 2 at 1 ohm

1,000 watts RMS at 2 ohms in bridged mode

i am just wondering if someone could help me figure out what i would need to select for Hyper Pole, Cooling, Flatwind etc. This would be a daily driver and not spl, and pleas correct me if i'm wrong but would i need a dvc 2 ohm sub wired to 4 ohms and bridging it at the amp would bring it down to 2 ohms right?

need anymore information, just let me know :)

thanks a lot everyone who replies

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The BL line is pretty much a lower power alternative to a BTL or a higher power alternative to the Q series of woofers. This is more of a street jamming type woofer that

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Bridging the amplifier does not lower the impedance. If you want a 2 ohm load at the amp, get a dual 1 sub and wire the coils in series and then bridge the amp. To think of it another way, it's the same as wiring one voice coil to each channel, which would give each channel a 1 ohm load.

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