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Please put up a site

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After my father gets out of the hospital and after this sale when eveything slows down. I will get Mark or one of my clients who is in internet trafficing to get one up. My girlfriend has been going through literaly thousands of photos from instals I have done over the last seven years to figure out which ones will go inthe site. It's going to take some time but I'll get one up and running.

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After my father gets out of the hospital and after this sale when eveything slows down. I will get Mark or one of my clients who is in internet trafficing to get one up. My girlfriend has been going through literaly thousands of photos from instals I have done over the last seven years to figure out which ones will go inthe site. It's going to take some time but I'll get one up and running.

I'm up for it. Been itching to do another site. Let me know when you're ready and i'll get you some pricing.


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