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box help

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its a box for two Fi 15 ssd's.

the dimensions i have are 42"w X 20"h X 22"D total of 8.8cu.ft

and total of around 8.5cu.ft with sub displacement.

and a port 8"w X 8"h X 13"d would tune it to 32hz.

thats the calculations i came up with,i just want to double check before i go cutting up mdf.

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Your going to need more port area.

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Some how I miffed the height but something like this? And yes, I know my sketch skills are :lame:


Or maybe?


Edited by indytrucks

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wow those are really nice designs.

but i left out one piece of info(probably kinda important.lol)its going in a suv and was looking for a subs/port back setup.

probably a stupid question,but ill ask anyways.would that same design work if i mounted the subs on the top and put the port laying down in the center of the back or along the bottom edge of the back?

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how about 8 x 18 for the port plus whatever depth for the tuning freq youre lookin for

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My box is 9.5 cubes before port and displacement (for 2 15's) and my port is 39 x 3.25 inch and it is LOUD with just 2 15" Q's (kinda makes me wonder why everybody wants one of those 6 15 groundpounders)

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All you would need to do for the one I drew up is cut the holes in the top instead of where they are for a sub up port back set up. Look at ssaudio's set up. Same basic principal.

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ok sounds easy enough,but can i change the port to the center either standing up or laying down?

and thanks for the help.

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