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Looking to see what size enclosure and tuning would be optimal for a dp 21" i have the amp,electrical and a grand sitting in my bank account to buy the sub,but i'm not sure on the box. original plans were going to be 9 cubes tuned to 34 for a daily setup. Should i stray away from that enclosure size or would that be good.


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Sounds good to me, if you want to save space, do 8 cubes with (3) 6" aeroports @ 34hz

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I dont really need to save space,It will be replacing the back seat of my 2.5rs even staying under the window line I have around 15 cubes to work with. I'm not trying to make a full spl car out of it just a quite loud daily,I would like to see high 140's on the meter though.I'm running one Q 12" now off 1.2k and it's nice and clean and get's kinda loud,but it's just not doin it for me.I almost did 2 15" hdc3's off 4K and i know it would be louder Than the dp off 2.2k but it just doesnt have the same wow factor as a 21" in the back seat,and i would need a little more electrical to support 4k.

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