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Slot or areo ports

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I think it's all about what works for your vehicle. If you're really serious about SPL competition, you'll end up building quite a few boxes. A lot of competitors I've seen have run external aero ports.

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I have seen people reporting gains when using flared ports instead of not flared.

The main problem with using aeros is when you need lots of port area. I need a 12 inch aero port and the only option is to diy the flares and find tubes that big.

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Areo's have always been my fav to work with. Easier to retune later down the line. With a ported box you'll probably mess with the tuning to get it right, and with areo's it's easy. Its also easier than building a bunch of boxes. That's just my personal opinion.

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Either can be extremely loud. Team Nemesis Steve is at 156+ no-wall with a slot port box... many folks didn't think that would happen.

I'd like to do a direct comparison one day with the same box design but I have not yet done so apples to apples.

It is my theory that for a slot port you can make up for the lack of smooth flow with a bit more area.

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I have seen people reporting gains when using flared ports instead of not flared.

The main problem with using aeros is when you need lots of port area. I need a 12 inch aero port and the only option is to diy the flares and find tubes that big.

I'd read that aeros only need be about half the area of a slot, one of the big bonuses of them being you can build a smaller box for that reason.

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Areo's have always been my fav to work with. Easier to retune later down the line. With a ported box you'll probably mess with the tuning to get it right, and with areo's it's easy. Its also easier than building a bunch of boxes. That's just my personal opinion.

agreed with this

alot more work to adjust a slot port box where as a exteranl aeroported box all u have to do is use duct tape on the ports & just unstick & stcik it back with different port lengths

also agree with another above post which said u will go through a few boxes (&other factors\settings too) to find that 'sweet spot' on a db meter

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I would not say that half the port area is need with aeros than with a slot port.

x2, then everyone would be using aero ports so they could use that extra room for more box volume.

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I would not say that half the port area is need with aeros than with a slot port.

x2, then everyone would be using aero ports so they could use that extra room for more box volume.

Why do you guys think that?

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