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Bottoming Out

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I have an FiQ 15 and it bottomed out on about 5 notes for less than 30 seconds due to faulty ground wire. I was just wondering if any permanent damage could have been done to the sub? It plays fine now after securing the ground wire, but i'm just waiting for something to pop.

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I'm kinda confused. I know subs can and will bottom out if you build the enclosure too big. Also playing over an octave below tuning frequency can cause damage. Can someone enlighten me on the ground problem though?

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Funny things can happen when you mess with the ground wire and RCA's are connected. In some amps they are a ground path. My MD3D's were that way. . .Easy way to kill a sub fast.

If you do not hear scratching while it is playing, don't worry about it. Nothing you can do about it anyway except recone it, so if it still works, keep on playing it.


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