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Seeking amp guru

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okay so heres the deal. i have 2 ssa icons, thinking (going to buy) adding 2... more so here:

4 SSA icons 12's

i need amps to power them. i'm looking at spending $750 (about) for amps (would love to only run 2)

was thinking about hifonics brutus but after reading some posts they seem like garbage.

what amps?

another question would be nice to be answer is:

how would you go upon hooking up 2 subs to a single monoblock? is it as simple as twisting wires togeather or is it no advised to do such thing.

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Yes its as simple as twisting the wires together but make sure your subs ohm rating matches your amp's ohm rating. You can either wire the subs Parallel or in a series which will give you a little flexibility. Im not to familiar with the icons's. Whats the ohm rating on them?

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Ohms are dual 4 or dual 2.

If you want something to barely give them the RMS look for a Sundown SAZ 3000. They are GREAT amps for the $$$ just make sure your electrical can push it.


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