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Team Sundown / Carlisle Acoustics Results and pics/vids

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We did pretty good this weekend, here are our scores:

Jeremy McCord

2 3000Ds and 2 15" Nightshades

Drive-by 4 - 1st place with a 129.8

Mod 3 - 2nd place with a 148.7

Drive-by SPL best of show

Corey Mitchell

1 1500D and 1 12" PBX

Street 1 - 1st place with a 143.3

Drive-by 1 - 1st place with a 117.3

PHAT 12 award

Derek Jackson

2 1500Ds and 2 12" Nightshades

Street 2 - 1st place with a 148.6

Josh Newton

4 1500Ds and 8 15" MA Audio XLs

Mod 4 - 1st place with a 155.0

Drive-by 5 - 1st place with a 126.? (I will edit with the exact score)

SPL Best of show

Here are links to the pictures and videos:


Corey's Drive-by Run

Jeremy's Drive-by Run

Josh's Drive-by Run

Edited by thefordmccord

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Had a great time at the show although my scores were weak lol. I need a new sub the pbx is almost dead.

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yeap poor old pbx has had a hard life.. it was an awesome show i met some local guys running sundown as well :) maby someday i can break a 149 at a show other than world finals...

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