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IXL10 for SPL

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I almost hesitate in asking this....... as I realise that this is not really what Mach5 seems to be about (and to be honest neither am I). But.......

Has anyone here utilised the smaller IXL series (such as the IXL 10) in a SPL type situation? Competitively?

I am currently competing in a series of Sound Quality events which have an attached SPL component (for an overall Champ). Not designed to be top end SPL type comp but something fun for the SQ guys to compete in.

Anyway I'm simply after any hints that might be floating around, I know its very install/box dependent (basically I'm in a small hatch so loading is good!) but....... you get the idea. Has anyone actually pulled any numbers with them?

Thus far scores have been fun but I have no idea if they are genuinely good though? Box is 0.7cube ported tuned to 31hz with 129.9 on 450wrms and 134.0 on 900wrms. (Made the mistake of clowning a genuine SPL competitor who was very chuffed with his 2x1500wrms "US Audio Bonecrusher" strapped amps and a single 10" HCCA Orion sub....................) He wasn't happy to lose by 0.5dB. Anyway........

Do you see room for improvement or should I accept it as it is and not ruin the good run? ;) I've been getting 8/9 out of 10 for subbass in SQ with the judges VERY impressed which is pleasing, so I'm not keen to ruin that either. There is probably 2 or more combined events over the year.

Thanks, I hope you don't take offense!

Jono :fing34:

P.S. Just found out after 2 events I'm running equal first in SQ and first in SPL for my class. Against 3 way front active Scanspeak/Vifa/Rainbow setups.... Nice.....

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Does the SPL & SQ setup have to be the same?

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I was thinking the same... if it's meca... he can swapp the box out for his SPL run...

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I think I know where you going with this...... And the setup can change to an extent. As long as there is time I can change location of the box, change port tuning (interchangable ports) or change sealed to ported etc...... But the sub itself must stay in the same "box"

At the moment I'm thinking of having a PVC port that has an external "bridge"....... When the bridge is in tuning is to 31hz, when removed the tuning is to 43hz (approx)..... Hard to describe but this would mean there are two actual "ports" running through the box just that one will not be in use (open each end to outside the box) when the bridge (a U shaped PVC piece) is not in place.

Do you think this is a workable solution?


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Bridge would work. So would a two piece. Only the short part in the box for high tuning, long port out of the box as well for low tuning.

*note this idea would also let you easily alter the port a bit and test for output and SQ

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Jono, I believe we achieved 136.x using a single IXL-10 with 1200 watts that was based on the suggested box size and tuning (quite high, but she slammed good). It was Puggsley's car we used so he can confirm it.



Oh, and congrats on your domination of the contests ;)

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Thanks all, new box is in the works now...... Moving to a single 4" port now as I have multiple smaller currently. I'm also thinking I will try to keep the sub *up*, SQ port *up* and the SPL port *back* to try and get some loading off the hatch (although this may only have a clearance of 8" from the hatch...... We'll see.


Oowww 136......... nice I know there is more to go then! hopefully on the lesser power i have.

I wouldn't call it domination but doing quite nicely against some good installs its just a pity that my highs (Tweeters) are letting me down SQ score wise! The mids are doing well even in a very off axis location.

Jono :horse:

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You could use 2 4 inch ports and plug one to tune lower :)

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Yes we did achieve 136.something. I wanna say it was high 136 but I cant recall.

138.9 on the same power with the IXL-12.......and that was by mistake and no where near full potential.

You could use 2 4 inch ports and plug one to tune lower :)

I too was going to recommend a port plug setup. :fing34:

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Only problem with the plug is that the lower tuning would have less area and I'd prefer it the other way around.

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After doing a quick play with box building programs the 2 port plug looks to be out....... When unplugged the 2nd port would remove a shed load of space from the nett box volume and mean tuning would be similar to 31hz (0.85cube) using 1 port and 5Xhz (0.7 approx cubes) with both open. That tuning is too high even for single SPL use IMO!

Currently its looking like the box needs to be a very rough 1.4cube GROSS internal using a single port with "bridge" to get 31hz (bridged) and 43hz (unbridged). Also this design means that the nett volume of the box remains constant. I'll keep playing with the programs and see what I can come up with.

Thanks for the advice, should be interesting to see how it goes.


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One thing you can do with interchangeable ports is to have the music port sit inside the box. When it's time for the spl comp, remove the music port and install an external port. More volume for increased efficiency. And if you have to shorten the spl port to tune closer to the peak of the car you won't have a lot of work to do.

You can get a higher score fur sure. One of my designs (6 inch flared port, very low-power 10inch sub + 1100w amp) peaked 141.4dB, engine off, sensor on the dash, passenger side..

If you are going to put a lot of power to it, fire it close to the hatch and fire the port to the side. Works really well to load up the cone and limit mechanical movement. This is how the 141.4 design was aimed.


50+ hz doesn't seem to high, especially for a Fiesta. Where did your current box peak ?

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Thanks for the ideas and pic Adrian, looks like I'll be building a couple of boxes me thinks!!

I'm also wary of loosing any hidden SQ's (LOL) as that is the main competition I'm competing in and the sub is working well with my front stage presently tuned low. Looks like I know what I'm doing over the weekend, building boxes!

The only reason for me thinking 50hz might be too high is because the car seems to like 46hz in the current box. But also bare in mind the comp only allows music no tones....... so probably take that with a grain of salt as that was a number plucked from TermLab after a run. *And I don't have access to one besides at the comps*

Jono :neil:

Edited by crosspug

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It is very fun. The old IASCA SQplus format was like this but all you could change was tuning on eqs. No port changes and you were limited to 135db max points. but you have to realize at this time no one had broken into the 160 db mark at all.

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Small update

New "tester" box has been built and tried to an extent. 0.9cube after displacements tuned to 30hz or 41(approx)hz when the port bridge is removed. 90mm PVC port with only very slight flares (need to get a bigger bowl to bend them over!!).

Only time for a few runs but results... TL on passenger side windscreen and car sealed up.

131.7 @38hz with the 30hz port facing up, sub up. Tones

132.0 @44hz with the 41hz port facing side, sub up. Tones

131.9 @??hz with the 41hz port facing side, sub up. Music

So overall the box has limited flaring, not finished very well, ports need to be smoothed internally at the joins, 16mm mdf (last box was 18/19mm) etc......... Not unhappy but could've been louder on the TL. Moves a shedload of air though............ That and sounds SWEET on music LOL gotta love this sub.

Need to try it with sub back, port side/back as that yielded the best results in the last box. But unfortunately ran out of time.......


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