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no terminal connectors with recone

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Do not invert that dustcap.

You'll be here in 3 days saying "My dustcap is making noise Fi sucks and I need a new recone"

There is a reason why it has a flange on it and a reason why that flange is sanded. Don't do it.

whew, just had to make sure... I think it will be OK. Waiting on terminals, used gator clips 4 now. My good ol' Mello Yello bottle reflected green light, there's nothing green on the sub. Fi sucks!

Notice how LOUD it is free air... that's because it is an IB sub! I wouldn't let the 3 year old child come outside and risk permenant hearing loss and ruptured ear drums, because I think i was at about 186dB around 18Hz.

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