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gf's future system.....PICS!!

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The subs...






The amp...


The box is going to be 2.5 @ 33Hz, and it's goin to be in a '98 sunfire<---- :worthless:

Please say which one u would pick, and why..the pioneer is $40+shipping, and the clarion is either going to be a 10, or 12, but they're both $28-29 + shipping...the profile amp is 59+ shipping...and does anyone know anything about the clarion sub?i couldn't find the rms, all i could find is the max rating...TIA.

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hmmm..i think i would go with the clarions..just to be different...

but that looks to be a decent budget system

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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No idea on the Clarion, but I have a couple of those exact Pios sitting right next to me. I have done several enclosures for them for my buddy and they are very impressive for the price. Can get loud with little power and 1.3 cubes sealed provides superior lowend extension. I happen to like these drivers quite a bit.

My only grip would be they don't fit the standard 12" mounting hole. I believe they are a little smaller if I remember correctly so you could have some sealing problems if going with a pre-fab. Also, that plastic ring around them is larger than the standard 12".

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I am with Kent, go with the Clarion, I feel their speakers have gotten better recently, and the subs I heard over the last year were decent, and I have liked most of their Pro Audio stuff so far

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thats what i was wanting to do (be different), but nobody around here runs pioneers except for the 29c,30c you can buy at wal-mart, and i know no one runs the clarions....just don't wanna buy it and it sucks...but where would car audio be without people tryin to be different. and the clarions price tag is appealing....any suggestions on how to install it besides just a rectangular ported box??any one no the rms of the clarion??im guessin 2-300

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no larger than 15 and no smaller than 10

You can always do fiberglass or some wedge design

All of the enclosures i have made are vehicle specfic, nothing just thrown together

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seriously for ur girls ride who really cares what you put in thier,

i would buy the cheapest stuff i could find, lol.

I mean unless she is a hard core car audio chick, just get her some legacies that say 2000watt, and she'll be boastin about her 2000watt system, lol.

But thats me.

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hey, OFF TOPIC, does anyone know about Fultron equipment??this kid at my school just bought 2 rf he's w/box, HUGE memphis amp (gotta be at least 2' long) and a fultron eq....he said if i build him a box, he'll give it to me....i'm thinkin bout doin it, just cause it won't cost me anything, just a few hours of my time, but any input???i no fultron merged or somethin like that to make memphis, but thats all i no....

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just to build a box, go for it. thats basicly a freebie

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what would u guys think of just 1 10", or 8" in a ported box tuned to around 32-34??just a thought to make it cheaper....

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maybe 8 in a ported will be enough for her

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when i got my g/f's system i just went with easy access and good buys. I gave her a 2 channel alpine amp i had left over from my truck system, got a deal on a polk 12 in a prefab for 50$ and then a pioneer mp3 deck so i wouldnt have to deal with that horrible 5 inch thick binder of CDs she had. :slayer:

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i've already installed a pioneer 1600 deck w/ pioneer 6.5's in the back....(walmart was sellin 4 pio 6.5's w/ the 1600 deck for $100) i would replace the stock 4.6's with my old pio's, but i can't figure how to get to em...any input???

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what about (1) lanzar max8 or max10 with a profile ha400 amp (200x1), or a directed 1104<--?not sure on the # its on the zeb for like $29, with the same profile amp??

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