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First Hair Trick

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I have an audiopulse axis 15 and a saz3000. I finally got my non-blown sub in the box and in the car. I was tunin it all and saw my hair movin it the window, so i got my gf to come over for a try at a hair trick.



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gotta love sundown, and tc/axis subs!!!!

i doubt you'll need another 3000D, mine bangs on two 15"s.

Just get another sub, and some ear plugs...

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im happy for you!

but watch that voltage.. somthing worse then an amp that smokes.

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Ive already got the second axis. Ill be running the two on one for a while. untill have have more money for another amp.

As for voltage. It usually doesnt go that low. But there is a comp on saturday and if i have my extra batteries I get bumped up two classes. so i replaced my stock with one of my kinetik 1800s and took the second one out. it will be back in after the comp

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you sir are my new hero!

you have a build log? beautiful work.... but IDK why you're wasting so much tuning down to 22Hz ;) ;)

no log for this one, just a few pics at the end

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