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Is this enough port for my new enclosure?

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Alrighty, I think I have the new design down. Going to be 4 Se 12' in 8cu.'s after displacements. Powered by 2 SAZ-1500's strapped tuned to 35hz. After doing alot of reading,searching, and math I have come to this: 3 6" aero's ( around 92 sq.in. of port total) for a length of each port to be 18.94"(19.94 overall). Should I have more or less port? I have read and searched through quite a bit of the posts. Some of the math and that calculators I have used said I need around 138sq. in. of port. But I have read that when using aero's you may only approx. need 2/3's of that. So with that in mind what's your opinions. If this is wrong can you point out some more places or reading that I can find to get a little more education on this,- how to decided how much port to have.




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I googled "port noise air velocity" and a few posts in other forums as well as articles came up, and a common number seems to be 17 m/s. However, winISD said I had about 23 m/s on my last box and I never heard any noise. But winISD also says that your box will have about 30 m/s with normal 6" ports, there isn't an option for aero ports. So you may be ok.

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Thanks, for some reason I cant get WinISD to work for me. Has to be user error on my part, but also may try reloading it.

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Thats about perfect port area IMO. But i come up with 84.78 of port. Which is still great for that enclosure. I was never 100% how to figure port area of a areo port with the flanges and all. But im pretty sure 3 6inch round ports is the 84.78.

Edited by AlanHall

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But i come up with 84.78 of port. Which is still great for that enclosure.

Actually you are correct. I went and redid my math and that's right. Now if I wanted to tune to 40, I could do 4 6" ports for a total of 113 sqin. of port, but that seems a little high on the tuning though to me.

Like mentioned before I have gotten around 128-157 sqin of port needed by various calculators and if I was doing a slot that would be easy to make. Got the room to do that easily in my vehicle.

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