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Box Build for Andrew_as

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Dont recall all the specs and whatnot for this one, but Im sure he will step in with some info. Little different design, which is nice to build every now and again.

Here are the pics from tonight...









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This box is for my 98 f150. Its for a single 12" DC LV4XL. Looks pretty nice. Baffle is a little different than i thought it was going to. But i like it so far!

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Looking good! I wish my truck boxes came out looking that nice.

Hey! Me from CA.COM! lol This is the box for my lv4xl!

But, You are a three hour drive away.

I live 3 hours from him or you do? I cant remember how long it took me to get there last time. Was like 2-3. Not to bad of a drive when your jammin the whole way

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Looking good! I wish my truck boxes came out looking that nice.

Hey! Me from CA.COM! lol This is the box for my lv4xl!

But, You are a three hour drive away.

I live 3 hours from him or you do? I cant remember how long it took me to get there last time. Was like 2-3. Not to bad of a drive when your jammin the whole way

I live 3 hours away.

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73054 to Garden Plain, Ks = 2 hours and 55 mins

Wheres 73054?

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Luther, OK.... Gosh use google BJ! jkin man. ill be down there later tonight to pick this up!

Haha, yea I was on break at work, and time was about up, so I took the lazy road.

You have my number, give me a call if you need anything. Looking to finish it up by 5, but if not, you might get to see us in action, lol.

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finally just got home. been a long day on the road. Got my box and im really happy with it! Thanks man. Ill also get pictures up when i get it all in. probably wont be for a few weeks cause i still needa get the sub.

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