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amp will power on but no sound comes out

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I got a brand new aq1200d and after i wired everything up the amp has power and has plenty of it, getting almost 14 volts while the car is running, but there is no signal getting sent out from the amp. Ive tested it with a known good rca cable and even used an ipod to eliminate the head unit but still no sound. I don't know what to check now. The amp is not going into protected mode. Going to call audioque 2night after class and see if they have any input. any advise before i go crazy lol

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Not to insult your intelligence, but make sure you're putting the RCAs into the right hookups, some amps have RCA outputs as well. Have you measured the output voltage from the terminals with a DMM?

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I had it on master but after it wasnt working i switch it back and forth to see if it would work and still nothing

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well on a side not you should be getting more the 14 when the car is running...

lets do the check list.

are you SURE you have a good ground?

did you scrap the paint off with a wire wheel or brush and insure that is good metel that your screwing into?

did you tripple check your inline fuse? check at both ends where the wire enters the fuse block ensure all is well..

did you jump the remote to the 12+ input ?

last but least UPS has raped a few amps of mine..... somthimes the outside will look fine.. but inside a slam has broken mosfet feet or even cracked them to where it powers up but does not sound.

good luck hommie!

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Ya there is only one set of inputs on the amp and i tested everything with a dmm

I meant the speaker outputs, did you test those with a DMM? If so, did it read anything or just a 0?

Also, not sure what head unit you have or if you had an amp hooked up before this, but some head units have a subwoofer output on/off switch. That would obviously need to be on. Or if it's like my home theater receiver, settings (crossovers, etc.) for other speakers turns on/off the sub output by itself. That's annoying, ha.

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Every now and then I get a call like the one I received yesterday afternoon regarding one of our amps. "I installed my new AQ amp and it has no output, my subs don't put out any volume". In this instance as in most panic calls the problem is resolved in a few minutes by "walking " the customer through the install and setting the filters, gain, master/slave switch and the use of the remote gain control.

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ya problem solved to embarrassed to explain it lol...upon goin back the next day i realized my dumbass had it wired wrong :Doh:

PS look at the smallest details before getting mad lol

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happens to everyone! dont worry glad you got it working!

but you know you have to explain it for the next guy with the same problem :D

Edited by BoomBoxB

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This isn't to sound sarcastic but if you have only wired a couple systems before yourself or especially your first one, it's always good to skim through the book to make sure there isn't no "new feature" that you gotta be aware of before turning it on for the first time.

NEVER switch to slave while the amp has power.

This is one of those instances.

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however my remote gain control is not lighting up anymore idk why i have to look closer though.

We have had a couple of the remotes get banged up by UPS, give me a call we will ship you a new one.

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however my remote gain control is not lighting up anymore idk why i have to look closer though.

We have had a couple of the remotes get banged up by UPS, give me a call we will ship you a new one.

thats service :D

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i checked it earlier and its just that the power light isnt lit up so no big deal it still works and the clipping light works so thats the main point.

I somehow hooked one of the output wires up into the wrong terminal. I was so frustrated from everything i didnt check. After i went back to it the next night i realised what i did and ive been bumpin ever since lol

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I think at some point or another it can happen to anyone, you were up late trying to get it done, or you simply didn't tighten a wire, just glad you got it solved and bumpin!

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