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Flared ports and port area

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1. other than using the 16in per cube rule, how do you guys calculate how much port you need? and is this an accurate calculator?


2. how much port area do you need when using aero ports? same calculation?

3. when using a flared port, how do you calculate the tuning; for example, does the flared part of the port count towards its overall length?

always tryin to learn new things here,

thanks guys

Edited by christobear

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That's a pretty decent calculator. I think it is a bit conservative, though. I entered a sub I've used and it recommended 78 sq. inches but I had 50 on my box and it was ok. You can also download winISD, which will graph port velocity vs. frequency, and I think you just want to keep the velocity under .15 mach or so over the frequencies you'll be using, which is normally 25 hz and up or so.

You need less port when using aero ports, though I've never seen or heard any exact exchanges. I think you can get away with about 2/3 of the port area of non-flared round ports, though. The flared end does add to the length a bit I believe. I got a sheet with the aero ports I ordered from partsexpress that explained this and the equations to figure tuning, but I don't have it anymore. You may be able to find one with a google search, though.

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wow I said though like 14 times in that post. haha

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