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this economy is lame as hell. wheres the jobs at??!?!?

last day the end of the month. -_-

Edited by BoomBoxB

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im hiring!

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mind if i live with you then? :D texas is a pretty far drive from indiana daily.

haha id love to hear them subs too!

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Sorry to hear that, but consider yourself lucky as you were given a heads up to prepare.

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problem is the heads up came from everyone but my boss... he still knows nothing he says... bullchit

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damn what kinda work do you do

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i work at a scrap yard (metal management) we just closed 7 yards this week out of 12 and were next... no warning or anything, been here 2 and a half years now, guess its time for unemployment.

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i just dropped 1500 on stereo chit too. kinda sucks but at least i have something to listen to while im sitting in my driveway ahahhah

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nice. i would love to open a scrap yard. but the steal prices have dropped fast and i just dont have love for it.

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we just dropped more too, now its 70 bucks a ton.... no point in bringing anything in.

last summer it was 245, highest in years!!! then market crashed and thats where were at now

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i remember that peak in steal price.. i was crushing cars left and right!

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Michigan is Horrible with jobs right now too..

I have the rest of this week and then hopefully next week I go back to work.

Hehe only a week laid off but still.. I miss them paychecks..

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i just dropped 1500 on stereo chit too. kinda sucks but at least i have something to listen to while im sitting in my driveway ahahhah

Hey don't fell to bad in Canada gas is 359.6 a gallon right now not many of us are driving with the unemployment rate and if you drive a full size truck like me you spend more time pounding tunes in the drive way then any where lol

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haha yeah im glad i have a car that gets 26-28 mpg too!!!

got better mpg as soon as i lost the 4 12" type r's i had.

my 15Bl is a lot less weight :D

Edited by BoomBoxB

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You think steel prices will ever get high again like they were?

i have no idea if they were id think it would be a couple years at least if they did. the market it just horrible we went from working non stop to surfing this forum non stop...

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Sorry to hear that. At least you are just starting unemployment. Hopefully things will start to pick up late this year.

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yeah months ago we were worried about how slow its been since september

and they said it should pick up by march... guess it just got worse.

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yeah months ago we were worried about how slow its been since september

and they said it should pick up by march... guess it just got worse.

That all it seems to do they said that about Canada to its not getting better at all and after the Olympics come and go we'll be really F&%KED

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