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12" Fi SSD

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Is it comparable to the Q or BL? i just want 1 12" sub that will sound nice and still get loud in a ported box. this is my first option. Or i would get 2 12" CV vmax. either would be powered by a kicker zx750.1(900rms) Opinions?

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I mean each subwoofer is different for different applications. However Im sure the SSD would be fine, or the Q. Since your look for 'SQ' also I'd rule the BL out.

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Is it comparable to the Q or BL? i just want 1 12" sub that will sound nice and still get loud in a ported box. this is my first option. Or i would get 2 12" CV vmax. either would be powered by a kicker zx750.1(900rms) Opinions?

how do u mean if its comparable to Q or BL ? < in what way .... for the power of the amp get either 15" or 18" Q .... what car ?

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i wouldent rule out the bl for sq totally, i think it sounds quite nice, and gets loud!

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not everyone wants huge subs.

Edited by BoomBoxB

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The Q is a very good SQ sub and the SSD sounds like it should do what want.

Edited by nmssd12

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If your looking for SQ I wouldn't consider the CV's, to me they sounded horrific. I tried them in a lot of different enclosures and only got them to sound decent with one of them in a ABC box, which took up a lot of space for one sub. To me they sounded like they had no depth almost like a hollow sound.

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What do the different power options do? and im looking to get loud with a ported box, but still retain some kind of sound quality. mostly listen to music with the lower bass, but i want it to be capable of hitting higher notes too. just want a nice quality sub that gets loud and sounds good to go with my amp.

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He wants that dream woofer that sounds great and gets loud. LAWD

The Q should do that.

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so it's agreed that the Q would be best? and with the BP option does it handle more power or what?

The BP option will allow it to handle more power, but power handling is also enclosure dependent.

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If it were me I would do 2.2cub to 2.4cub after displacment with the Q on 900 watts rms.

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If it were me, I would tune to 30hz.

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If it were me, I would tune to 30hz.

but its not U ... :wacky:

i say 33hz :turkey:

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flared port or slot port?

AEROs FTW :captain:

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