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Change enclosure?

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Hi All,

So I've had my two 12" SSDs in a sealed box, 1 cu ft chamber for each sub, for almost a year now hooked up to a Sundown 1500D. It seems like I don't get the lows like I would expect and I'd like it to be a little louder.

Do you think it would help to build a ported box for these guys to see if I can squeak anything else out of them, or is it possible that these subs just don't fit my wants? Thanks.

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Build a ported box. It is cheaper then buying new subs.

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Build a ported box. It is cheaper then buying new subs.

Yeah I think I'll try it, even though I hate to give up the space.

Any recommendations on what size to give these subs? I know Fi says 1.8 - 2.5 for each sub is recommended, but what experiences do you guys have with the SSDs? Is 4 cubes enough?

Thanks for the help.

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do you WANT lots of lows, or they're just lacking? if you want em, go toward the bigger side, and tune low. 4 cubes at like 29-32hz should give you nice lows, but if you go w/ say a 35 hz tuning, you'll cover a broader spectrum but still have a bunch of lows

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I have mine in 4.4 cubes tuned at 33 hz running off of a zx1500.1

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