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Reconing 2 18" BTL's

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Alright well im going to be getting 2 18" FI BTL's reconed(The older version) and was wondering what kinds of new options I can get like diff dustcap or diff tinsels stuff like.....that Id want carbon fiber if posssible and also what are the prices on diff options...any tips on packing for shipping?

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Are these the ones from SMD?

You can get the colored dust caps.

You can get the HiXmCoil if they have the third magnet (more excursion).

It will come with the new style tinsel leads.

If you want dual 2 ohm coils, you need to make sure the subs were already D2, or spec'd as universal (if you are sending the subs in for recone, Fi will know when they get them).

I know last time I talk to Scott, they did not have anymore of the carbon fiber caps (the AA avalanche had carbon fiber caps). Not even sure if the carbon fiber will work with the BTL. No pole vent and high excursion makes for a lot of pressure behind that cap.

I am helping Scott with recone orders, so shoot me a PM with your address and if you want to just buy recones, or if you plan on sending the subs to Fi. I will get you pricing.


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