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Acidik's Search for Subs

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103 Days Til I Order My Subs.....But What Subs To Order?

"Well Gee Mr. Acidik, why start your search so early?"

because I am insanely indecisive, it took me about 2 months to pick out my amps. (2 Sundown SAZ-3000)

So this is what is up. I am looking for 2 subs. Not sure about size because I have always ran 12s. What is the sound difference like between 12s and say 15s or 18s? I need them dual 2, and able to handle 3000w each with a budget around $500 for each sub, or close to $1000 total. (hopfully you figured that out) These will be daily use so I want mainly an SQ sub that can take 3000w because I know it is going to be loud.

This will be updated quite a bit with questions and ideas and I am looking to get some good arguements going. Some ideas that I already am thinking of are



-AA Mayhem



So we have the info, begin!

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DC lv5 can handle those amps daily but I've never heard one. I have a lv4xl and it sounds good to me. I know projekt ai has done installs with a saz3000 on just one lv4xl.

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An SQ sub that can handle 3000 watts. Well, good luck. But I haven't heard any subs you've listed, so I'm no help.

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Question, technically, what about a sub makes better sound quality? I'm not lookin for a brand, but what about the sub actually makes it better. I asked the same thing about what makes it louder and I finally got a good answer from my physics teacher that the way it makes sound louder is by making the waves larger, but I don't know how subs do that, excursion? Anyways, I'm lookin for a real technical answer, what produces good sound quality?

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Generally you want a sub that has an even frequency response and doesn't color the sound either by distortion or tonal inaccuracy.

Most (if not all I've seen) subs that can handle 3000 watts were made for SPL, because SPLers want subs that can handle big power. So the manufacturers sway some specs to give the sub higher efficiency. They give the sub a huge coil to be able to soak up the power and give the sub a lot of motor force. They also generally raise the fs, which gives the sub more sensitivity but generally worsens the even frequency response I was mentioning. The subs have lower qts and like to play in ported boxes.

If you go into an SQ competition most competitors will have one sub in a sealed box, powered by maybe 500 watts.

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Have you already purchased these amps?

Look at:

DC Sound Lab LV5


Incriminator Audio (Death Penalty series & Warden series when released)

New SMD sub when it is released...

so many more...

Why do you have to wait 103 days to buy these subs?

Edited by kram3r

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Where in IN are you located?

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The DD 9500 could take the 3000 rms of CLEAN power. And they sound pretty good as well.

I am 100% sure LV4 XL's could take 3000 daily. as well

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  bassahaulic said:
The DD 9500 could take the 3000 rms of CLEAN power. And they sound pretty good as well.

I am 100% sure LV4 XL's could take 3000 daily. as well

"sound pretty good as well"


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  AcidikBass20 said:
103 Days Til I Order My Subs.....But What Subs To Order?

"Well Gee Mr. Acidik, why start your search so early?"

because I am insanely indecisive, it took me about 2 months to pick out my amps. (2 Sundown SAZ-3000)

So this is what is up. I am looking for 2 subs. Not sure about size because I have always ran 12s. What is the sound difference like between 12s and say 15s or 18s? I need them dual 2, and able to handle 3000w each with a budget around $500 for each sub, or close to $1000 total. (hopfully you figured that out) These will be daily use so I want mainly an SQ sub that can take 3000w because I know it is going to be loud.

This will be updated quite a bit with questions and ideas and I am looking to get some good arguements going. Some ideas that I already am thinking of are



-AA Mayhem



So we have the info, begin!

Your whole preface is FUCKED. You don't want an SQ sub setup at all, very, very, very far from it. If you do then you are ridiculously stupid in your amplifier choice as you won't need 10% of that power.

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amen brother

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"Your whole preface is fudgeED. You don't want an SQ sub setup at all, very, very, very far from it. If you do then you are ridiculously stupid in your amplifier choice as you won't need 10% of that power."

I knew this was coming, but it is so true.

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Your whole preface is fudgeED. You don't want an SQ sub setup at all, very, very, very far from it. If you do then you are ridiculously stupid in your amplifier choice as you won't need 10% of that power.


I have to say I have missed seeing these posts.

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My Bad, its not so much that I want an SQ woofer, but the best sounding woofer to 3000. I realize it is all opinion, I'm just looking for some different ones. Right now the AA SMD, AA Mayhem, and Omega are on top.

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you just have to find a sub that'll take that power. not a WHOLE lot of choices, so it shouldn't be all that hard. "good sounding" is up to your ears, and will come from the INSTALL. i hope you have the highs to keep up with a loud substage if youre going 2x15's, 2x18's or whatever. what's this going in anyway?

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  hiloracerboy84 said:
you just have to find a sub that'll take that power. not a WHOLE lot of choices, so it shouldn't be all that hard. "good sounding" is up to your ears, and will come from the INSTALL. i hope you have the highs to keep up with a loud substage if youre going 2x15's, 2x18's or whatever. what's this going in anyway?

Even if he just goes with 15's, with that much power..... he'll need at least 250-300 watts going to each of a pair of 8's, even 10's for midbass, from probably 60-150hz..... and then probably at least 100 watts to each of his separates (or stock coaxes ).

what's this going in anyway?

Who you kiddin? It's all going in a '85 Chevette 2-door!

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Going in Honda Accord. Wallin it. I have plenty of high. 6 coax. and 2 more tweeters. I am in Northern Indiana, South Bend

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  AcidikBass20 said:
Going in Honda Accord. Wallin it. I have plenty of high. 6 coax. and 2 more tweeters. I am in Northern Indiana, South Bend

You know Pablo Garcia?

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  AcidikBass20 said:
My Bad, its not so much that I want an SQ woofer, but the best sounding woofer to 3000. I realize it is all opinion, I'm just looking for some different ones. Right now the AA SMD, AA Mayhem, and Omega are on top.

Still fucked. "Best sounding to 3000" makes no sense and is subjective. Perhaps describe what you think this elusive best is.

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  ///M5 said:
  AcidikBass20 said:
My Bad, its not so much that I want an SQ woofer, but the best sounding woofer to 3000. I realize it is all opinion, I'm just looking for some different ones. Right now the AA SMD, AA Mayhem, and Omega are on top.

Still fudgeed. "Best sounding to 3000" makes no sense and is subjective. Perhaps describe what you think this elusive best is.

he means "best sounding to 300" ...that 0 more was just a typo .... for 3000W SQ u could still do like 6x 10" sealed ... or get this ...so they claim ..."Ultra Sound Quality" subwoofer .... USQ subwoofer

:bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap:

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  AcidikBass20 said:
My Bad, its not so much that I want an SQ woofer, but the best sounding woofer to 3000. I realize it is all opinion, I'm just looking for some different ones. Right now the AA SMD, AA Mayhem, and Omega are on top.

Fixed, and you can order a BTL direct from Fi, or an Incriminator Audio DP if you are looking at that kind of driver.

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Okay. I think it is out for a few

Fi BTL, I have heard many good things about it and is one of my top choices

AA Mayhem, also great, ive heard its a lot like the BTL, so if it comes down to it, would it be better sounding then the BTL on 3k?

IA DP, great sub, but I have heard it will not take 3k

Sundown, still not sure, i would need it custom

I think the top 3 are where I am going. Opinions?

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  AcidikBass20 said:
what about TC sounds?

They are not currently in business.

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