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Could a Kicker ZX750 800watt Amp power a 15" T1 Power 1200 watt?

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Well the sub is 600rms, so 800 should be fine for it.

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if the sub is the right VC configuration to make the most out of that amp, than by all means, a 15 should smoke the 10"

i can tell you right now that if actually has an amp doing 1300 watts, that sub is not wired in a way that it is getting near that. I had a 10" T2 running off probably 12-1300, and that chit got HOT as hell, one day i brought it to the dealer for warranty repairs and it was fried when i got it back, but anyway, no way that a T1 would take that kind of power, the T2 could BARELY even when set up conservatively

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jst 2 b clear.... a 800w amp is capable of powering a 1200w sub? i tld ma friend bout this n he said i got it backwards

Is that even English?

And an 800W RMS amp will power a 600W RMS sub. Don't look at max ratings.

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jst 2 b clear.... a 800w amp is capable of powering a 1200w sub? i tld ma friend bout this n he said i got it backwards

Is that even English?

And an 800W RMS amp will power a 600W RMS sub. Don't look at max ratings.

sorry bout the grammar but sometimes i just get lazy with my typing. I'm n college and taking English classes so if i wanted to i could b really proper but i just don't c the point.

but anyway... it turns out that the guy all ready sold the amp so i'm just buying the sub and box. What would be the ideal amp for this 15" t1 now that the amp n the auction is out of the picture?

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A T1 really only needs a true 600 watt amp.

What is your budget?

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I'm n college and taking English classes so if i wanted to i could b really proper but i just don't c the point.

Awesome attitude. Awesome. The point to type propper would be to act as educated as you pretend to be and not look like a hood rat when reading your posts. Oh, and making them easier to read.

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I'm n college and taking English classes so if i wanted to i could b really proper but i just don't c the point.

Awesome attitude. Awesome. The point to type properly would be to act as educated as you pretend to be and not look like a hood rat when reading your posts. Oh, and making them easier to read.

What Adrian is trying to say (A, pardon my correction of your correction, the kid needs help....):

If you are as educated as you claim to be, why not make an effort to use that knowledge to put forth a thought in a manner that anyone can clearly understand? It's just pure laziness not to give your best effort, and if you should need to give all your attention to some matter, you'll have already had enough practice in communicating clearly: it won't seem nearly as hard when you HAVE to do it.

In other words - don't be a lazy Biatch. Clear, concise, to the point - if you want answers, give someone that might have that answer for you the courtesy of you making an effort.


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No worries, thanks for pointing it out.

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In the end, please make an effort to post in an understandable manner. Bromo and Adrian are both well respected members and have been around a little while. This can be the most helpful audio site on the net period, but if the person asking the question cannot take a moment or two extra to make it easy to read and understand for the people who are looking to share knowledge or experience, it really does not help the topic. SSA is a higher end board for a reason. ;)

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If it is that important to everyone that I type all of my words out completely I will respect you guys' wishes in order to get the best help possible. I've just been carrying on old habits from a more casual forum that I visit from time to time but it seems that I have touched a nerve with some of the members on this one.

Anyway.....I know so little about amps or subs that I don't even know a good price to pay for a decent amp. I was thinking about just getting the kicker ZX750 from another auction with these specifications

-RMS Power:

375RMS @ 4OHMS

750RMS @ 2OHMS


High/low input


RCA output for additional amp

-Remote bass level control

Height: in(mm) 2 1/8 (54mm)

Width: in(mm) 9 5/8 (244mm)

Frequency Response,

Edited by stack_of_benjamins

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