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i have finally landed on fi as my sub. now i want (2) 18's and i am working with about 10-12cubes in my trunk. they will be powered with a zx2500 and ample electrical. i want to try a new sub so this is what my infatuation with 18's is.

i dont think that the bl's would satify me but have also heard that powering 2 btl's with only 2700 watts would be a waste. i want to get the most bass possible from my setup with what i have and want. what would be the best suited sub for me considering that i want 18's?

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i wanna know how you get 10~12 cubes of usable internal volume out of a lincoln trunk.... unless its a 90~97

do you have any dementions.

powering a 18 BTL's would be fine off 2700 watts could they take more sure. do they need more... nope.

and why dont you think the BL's would please you ?

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I "THINK" the BTLs should still be louder b/c they are more efficient? Don't hold me to that. Why not sell that amp and get a new one?

this is correct from what i have read.

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nah he wants a ground pounder.

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I "THINK" the BTLs should still be louder b/c they are more efficient? Don't hold me to that. Why not sell that amp and get a new one?

Agreed! Sundown is taking preorders for their new 3500D. The BTL's would still be underpowered, but way more power than the ZX2500. This would probably be the best bang for your buck, not sure if you're willing to wait for the 3500D to come out though.

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or you could run the 3000d, sundown amps are def. underrated, and if you commit to a 16v system, that much more power, although IMO unnecessary since it sounds like you are just goin for a daily street beater, not an all-pro SPL build.

10-12cubes, I think that's a bit small for two 18's, especially after w/e port and displacement. with two 18's they're taken away .5 cuft right there. then the port for a box like that, at least another 2.5 cubes. just over 10 cubes is perfect for two 15's. IMO

Although I do agree with Leister, if you are going with 18's just to look at an 18" woofer, than do one BTL 18. Put that thing in a 10 cube box tuned ~32hz on a sundown 3000d, My GOD that thing would be beatin!!!

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Doing dual 18"s right takes a lot o space....

you'd be better of, and much easier with two 15"s, done right... or if you must have an 18, then one. two 15"s should beat a 18" in output... hypothetically, but you might be able to squeeze a 21" in the same space as two 15's, that might come close, but imo the 15"s might still be louder...

but if your just beating, then do what you like...

I really doubt you could ever fit 2 18's in a trunk...

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I have a 1999 Mercury Cougar and the hatch is like 12 cubic feet.

I would have to fold down the back seats to run everything.

You should sell it to me.

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i wanna know how you get 10~12 cubes of usable internal volume out of a lincoln trunk.... unless its a 90~97

do you have any dementions.

powering a 18 BTL's would be fine off 2700 watts could they take more sure. do they need more... nope.

and why dont you think the BL's would please you ?

Its not really so much that they aren't good subs its just that eventhough I hear everyone say that they can be louder and better then my 4 sub setup I just feel I have to try the biggest and baddest sub the line has to offer. I really was thinking after I posted that and I told kyarld there was bowst I could get 2 18's in the space that I want.

I am open to all opinions. And John knows me so well without even knowing me. I do want a groundpounder. Just don't know if I could accomplish that with one 18.

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i wanna know how you get 10~12 cubes of usable internal volume out of a lincoln trunk.... unless its a 90~97

do you have any dementions.

powering a 18 BTL's would be fine off 2700 watts could they take more sure. do they need more... nope.

and why dont you think the BL's would please you ?

Its not really so much that they aren't good subs its just that eventhough I hear everyone say that they can be louder and better then my 4 sub setup I just feel I have to try the biggest and baddest sub the line has to offer. I really was thinking after I posted that and I told kyarld there was bowst I could get 2 18's in the space that I want.

I am open to all opinions. And John knows me so well without even knowing me. I do want a groundpounder. Just don't know if I could accomplish that with one 18.

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i think 2 15 inch BTL in a very well built box on 3500 watts would really do you well....

what towncar is this for?

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It is for the 2004 the 93 is gone. And I hear you with the 2 15's but I want to try something new with 18's but wt the same time not set myself up for dispopintment. Dp are out of the question. I want to go with fi. Well let me look at them before I throw them to wolves. And I am not in the kood for selling that amp or buying another. Would be too kich of a hassle and I haven't even powered it in the 8 months I have owned it.

So John you think I wouldn't accomplish anywhere close to street beating with one 18? What would it sound like? And what if I put it in an 8 cube box?

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Why did you get rid of your btl's John? What is the size of the box that you have on the nightshades?

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one BTL 18 would be quite loud, it really just depends on what loud is to you. I mean to most people that would be beyond street beating, but IMO it would probably be just right for bangin around in the neighborhood.

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yeah u may be right. i just wish that i could hear these subs in action. all i have is u-tube and reviwes to make my decision. (1) 18 is sounding real good to me. i just have never heard a single 18 b4. i have always had (2) 15's Kicker, or (4) kicker 15's. i know 1 18 wont compare to 4 15's but i just want to be in the ballpark of that type of bass. i need a truck lol

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Why is a IA DP out of the question? They are exceptional subs.

You also have DC LV5s to look at.

There's A BUNCH of subs out there that can compete with the BTL. The BTL is still amazing though.

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i didnt have BTL's... i had 2 15 inch BL's i sold them shit i guess 10 months ago or so..

i went with 2 sundown nightshade 15's... they are louder then the bl's but the bl is better for music... it more pleasing to the ear...

but the nightshade just hammer. and they hammer hard.

i know your looking at FI and they are great... but you should look into sundown aswell...

sundowns dont take alot of air space... so perhaps you would be able to run 2 NS 18's in that trunk. and they would play great off 2700 watts.

1 18.. i cant tell you... and its almost impossable for anyone to tell you how it will sound... as no one here has tryed a single 18 in a lincoln towncar trunk.

the trunk in the 03~08's look smaller then the 98~02 is that so?

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My max trunk size without those little shelves is about 44*28*25.

Something like that. But it is the. Same as the 93 that I had

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and thats not alot of space, after wood, port and sub displacment.

as as i was saying before... those 4 15's you had in the 93 wernt in the right box... you would have been louder only running 2 in the correct box...

i just built a new box.. ill be putting it in next week

if i were in your shoes i would talk to jacob monday.. and see if he thinks thats enough space for 2 nightshade 18's

i set out to do a pair of 15's and be as loud as i could.

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