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c0smo kram3r

Should this suffice?

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Well, I'm going to be running a AQ2200D (as some of you may know) to power a IA DP 21". Now I'm having some worries about my electrical system. These are my plans:

STOCK ALT. It's a 150A Bosch alt. (Possibly 130A, but I'm pretty sure 150.)

either 1/0 or 2/0 wiring all the way around. Positive & negative run to the front. (I know bigger is better, but do I need 2/0?)

(1) Deka 9A31 in the rear. (Would go PM, but that's out of my budget. Plus, I can't justify spending that much on a single battery when I can get two Dekas for the same price, even though the PMs are better.)

That's my starting plans. If this does not work out, I'm going to throw another Deka 9A31 under the hood or maybe in the rear. I know I can fit it under the hood (already measured), but I might just keep stock and isolate it and have both in rear for amp only. Suggestions are welcome.

I want to get my power cable from coppercableman on eBay (Trystar cable). How flexible is this stuff?

Well yeah, that's about it.

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Instead of running 2 gauge, You should just run 0 gauge and be good..

I'm not running 2guage. I'm talking about running 2/0. Two totally different things...

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1/0 will be more then enough.

Don't forget Big 3!! That helps ALOT.

Look into an MLA, they raise your voltage and are >$200

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2/0 is not needed LAWD

Unless you start MELTING your 1/0 THEN you need 2/0+

SAZ-3000's run on 1/0 for a reason, it is more then enough. POWERLINES above your house rarely get above 1/0 sizes. Except for the stations.

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2/0 is not needed LAWD

Unless you start MELTING your 1/0 THEN you need 2/0+

SAZ-3000's run on 1/0 for a reason, it is more then enough. POWERLINES above your house rarely get above 1/0 sizes. Except for the stations.

lol I know for now. The reason I was considering 2/0, was in case I ever go bigger. Have a run of 2/0 to the rear & use 1/0 for everything else in the rear.

@fis10, a 220A alt is about $500 for my car. That's kind of out of my budget for now.

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2/0 is not needed LAWD

Unless you start MELTING your 1/0 THEN you need 2/0+

SAZ-3000's run on 1/0 for a reason, it is more then enough. POWERLINES above your house rarely get above 1/0 sizes. Except for the stations.

Can't compare house power to car power. There's a huge difference in wire size needed because of the current loads between the two. It's a heck of a lot easier for a wire to run 120 volts than 120 amps.

To the OP, I think you'll be fine with your 150 amp alternator and two batteries if you use 1/0 and upgrade the big 3.

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I may have missed it but what type of vehicle do you have?

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I may have missed it but what type of vehicle do you have?

Oh, it's a 2004 Land Rover Discovery II SE7. I was a little off as well.

Excessive Amperage wants $430 for a 220A alt

Dominick (Iraggi) wants $440 for a 220A alt

DC Power wants $490 for a custom GM 250A alt & he would have to build a custom bracket.

and yes, Leister, that would up my total to $2100. Out of my budget as of now. Might be able to get one later on in the summer but not as of now.

Especially if I don't necessarily need one.

Edited by kram3r

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2/0 is not needed LAWD

Unless you start MELTING your 1/0 THEN you need 2/0+

SAZ-3000's run on 1/0 for a reason, it is more then enough. POWERLINES above your house rarely get above 1/0 sizes. Except for the stations.

Powerlines have nothing to do with the discussion...

And as for needing 2/0 only if you melt 1/0, that is hardly the case. Go over 300A max draw and 2/0 is a better choice.

For what amp the OP plans on using, a run of 1/0 positive + extra battery in the rear seems like a good plan. negative run is a bit of overkill in this case. Probably not worth it if you do the big3 upgrade.

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