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12" Fi Q just arrived...

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I just got my 12" Fi Q. This is my first quality subwoofer, hooray!

Just a quick question. On both sides of voice coil, there are + and - springs, total of 4. This is dual 2 ohm, wiring down to 1 ohm load. It is my understanding to do this, you run positive wire to positive, from one coil to the other, then negative to negative. But then, what? How does it hook up to the enclosure. Do I run the wire in parallel from one side of sub to other, then run a wire from one side into the enclosure? I looked for diagrams, but none were clear exactly how I run the wire from sub to enclosure.

Thanks in advance.


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Ok Rob, see, for that, it looks like you take 1 piece of wire, which is positive and negative, and run them to themselves on the sub, then another piece of wire from sub to enclosure. Is that right? So then in each of the coil, one positive one negative, theres another piece of wire. I would need 2 wires correct? Just want to be clear, installing this tomorrow.

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Youll need 4 pieces of wire. one coming from the amp to one positive terminal, then one from that positive terminal to the other positive.

then one negative wire coming from the amp to one negative terminal, then one from that negative terminal to the other negative.

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