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poppin sound fromm woofer

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Poppin Sound (help)


ok.. my system was working great... i had this old deformed amp (classonic)

and i connected it.. and conected my SW pre amp RCA from my headunit to it.. and it didnt work...

then i took off the RCA's from it connectted it to my Amp that am generally using with my sub.. and it didnt work.. then i cutted the RCA's and i changed the polarity of the wires +ve with -Ve and vice versa .. and the AMP and subwoofer worked.. but when i changed the setting of the woofer in the HU to REVERSE.. i hear this POPPIN sound n the sub go above its X max for a sec.

even when i tyurn the vol knob in the HU to 0 (ZERO) it makes that sound when it reaches ZERO? what could that possibly be ??

thanks for help..

my guess is that the DEFORMED AMP MESSED UP my HU pre AMp out puts...

but why,,, and How ...?

thanks for help

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Why cant no one answer me about this question?

at least give me some tips of what could it be from ?

HU ? or wiring?

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ok.. my system was working great... i had this old deformed amp (classonic)

and i connected it.. and conected my SW pre amp RCA from my headunit to it.. and it didnt work...

then i took off the RCA's from it connectted it to my Amp that am generally using with my sub.. and it didnt work.. then i cutted the RCA's and i changed the polarity of the wires +ve with -Ve and vice versa .. and the AMP and subwoofer worked.. but when i changed the setting of the woofer in the HU to REVERSE.. i hear this POPPIN sound n the sub go above its X max for a sec.

even when i tyurn the vol knob in the HU to 0 (ZERO) it makes that sound when it reaches ZERO? what could that possibly be ??

thanks for help..

my guess is that the DEFORMED AMP MESSED UP my HU pre AMp out puts...

but why,,, and How ...?

ok---first question I ask you is why did you cut the RCA's,reverse the polarity of them, THEN change the setting on the HU to Reverse?

----what you have is a power spike(signal not voltage)-----in other words the positive siganl is being forced through the negative RCA input and vice versa.-----check for damage to the sub----smell it if possiable---smell burnt metal(not good)----if all is good with the sub----rewire them the way you had them BEFORE you "Reversed" the HU and you should be fine.

Hope this helps,

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glad u answered i was confused

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Thanks Dave...

but i reversed the polarity because .. irt didnt work when it was normal +VE with +VE and vice versa.. when i reversed the sub worked.. but it does that poppon sound.. i uninstalled the whole system .. including HU also..

but would like to hear more comments .. of what it could possibly be ...

thank you guys

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