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Lanzar 2000 for 2 15" BL

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Is it possible for a lanzar 2000 to power 2 15" FI BL FL and still have 1100 watts to each? thanks

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Is it possible for a lanzar 2000 to power 2 15" FI BL FL and still have 1100 watts to each? thanks

Possibly if it were ran at .5ohms but I wouldn't advise it unless you have the electrical. It puts out 1600 at 1.3ohms

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I'd look into another amp, those aren't going to do rated power.

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That is kind of an insult to those subs. By the time you get them moving with that amp, the THD and clipping is off the charts.

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I'd look into another amp, those aren't going to do rated power.

Agreed, there are better quality amps out there. If money is an issue look into Sundown or Kicker referbs.

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sundown 3000d and call it a day its more than enough power and if you set the gains right you won't have to worry about blowing them plus it will sound super clean.

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wat about a Sundown 1500?

to power 2

A pair of SSD's and that amp is a solid setup...

You don't have enough power for the BL's..but if you've already purchased then you need to look for something in the true 2500 watt range.



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