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I am about to pay for my RP-i 12 " sub so it can be shipped. I want to build a ported box and tune it to 25hz. I will be pushing 600wRMS to it. What size box would be best? Also feel free to offer any other suggestions. Thanks

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are u getting a rl-i or an rl-p?

if it's the rl-i...i'd suggest about 1-1.25ft^3 with 25in^2 of port tuned to 34hz...

if it's the rl-p, i'd aim for 1.5-1.75ft^3, same port and tuning...

why such a low tuning?

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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that is quite low of a tuning...

i was also under the impression that one should keep the rli 500 and below and 800 and below for "best" reliablity...

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An RL-i series driver should not be ported with 600wrms of power.

The voicecoil is too small for the amount of thermal stress that could ensue.

However, the RL-i does thrive with low low tuning, and for an RL-i12, I would suggest 3 cu ft, tuned to 22-25 Hz, with 35 sq inches of port area.

Now so far as an RL-p, 600wrms will be right in the sweet spot and mrray's rec's are right on target.

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wow that is really low tuning :ohsnap:

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I would prefer the low port tuning because I listen to music that reaches as low as 17 hz and I would like a very flat response curve going down to the 20 hz range. I want the port to be able to control the sub at very low HZ. Plus I lack a sub sonic filter. Add your toughts on performance at 25 hz as compared to 32 hz?

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Ah, the RL-p12.. in that case listen to mrray's suggestion of 1.5-1.75 cu ft net volume and 25 sq in of port area, tuned to 30-34 Hz. You can go ahead and tune lower, but increase your port area if you do.

For a tuning of 25 Hz, I would suggest at least 30-35 sq in of port area.

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Thanks Mike. Last question and I will be out of your hair. Will SQ suffer with this tunning of 25 hz? Will their be a flat response curve?

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Usually, the lower the tuning, the better the SQ, since the"hump" in the frequency response is at a lower frequency. Since it is so much lower, you'll get that loud low bass which is great for home theater but not always the best in-car(to some people) since most music doesn't hit that low.

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Usually, the lower the tuning, the better the SQ, since the"hump" in the frequency response is at a lower frequency. Since it is so much lower, you'll get that loud low bass which is great for home theater but not always the best in-car(to some people) since most music doesn't hit that low.

i agree with bg...

IMO, in car tuning that low is almost a waste as u lose quite a bit on the upper end. unless u have real strong midbass to pick it up...

personally, i'd keep tuning in the 32-34 hz range. plenty of sq, plenty of low end and the box will peak later so as too keep up one the upper end of the freq response.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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I think ill tune to 30 hz. I have access to a 12db per octave subsonic filter. What should I set it to ( 20hz 25hz 30hz 35hz)?

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