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F-150 Murphy


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You could try a single 12" set up..

Is it going in a F-150?

Edited by ohhsosmooth

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Are you going to keep THE back seat?

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That didn't take you long to want an upgrade..:)

What amp are you using?

how much room are you giving up?

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i thought you said that JL is a bad ass sub..


ecromeans had a single ssd 12, it sounded great out did plenty of twin 12 systems...

i would do a single 12 or 15 inch Q

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It is nice and its beats hard but i want more haha. Sound systems are addicting, Yes it didnt take long i love sound systems and yes i am done with backseats but having one back seat would be helpful

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I would recommend the Lethal Injection series from Incriminator Audio.

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I just looked on SSA and you get get 2 12" 187 series IA subs and a Sundown SAX125.2 (bridge) for $475. YOU can build the box and come very close to $500.

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Not to be an @ss but why are you looking for suggestions again???? you didn't listen to ANYONE the first time...

The amp you have is OK (not something I'd choose but ok), the box you have is a cheap prefab, the woofer is sub-par at best.. look into something like a fi SSD or a Q, some SSA DCONS, get thumpper or fisher to build you a box, use your existing amp and enjoy something quite a bit nicer that what you have now. If the woofers and box cost a little more just Save up your pennies and buy a better amp down the road....

If you never wait and save to get something decent you'll always have sub-par equipment..

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aq sdc2.515 get one they are like $160 then have fisher build you a box and use the amp you have now for power

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Not to be an @ss but why are you looking for suggestions again???? you didn't listen to ANYONE the first time...

The amp you have is OK (not something I'd choose but ok), the box you have is a cheap prefab, the woofer is sub-par at best.. look into something like a fi SSD or a Q, some SSA DCONS, get thumpper or fisher to build you a box, use your existing amp and enjoy something quite a bit nicer that what you have now. If the woofers and box cost a little more just Save up your pennies and buy a better amp down the road....

If you never wait and save to get something decent you'll always have sub-par equipment..

thanks for the advice

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what do you want out of this?

more spl or sq?

if i could do it again, get 2 12" ssd's/q's/icons or possibly 15" depending on how much room you want to give up and that should be more then plenty loud and yet sounding great.

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How low a subwoofer plays (subwoofers don't hit, hammers hit, fists hit) is very much box dependent.

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