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Ported enclosure help please, 2 Fi BTL 18's

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Hi, i'm buying 2 Fi BTL 18's and was wondering how i could build a ported box. i've never built a box before so i need a lot of help.

If you could tell me what i need to buy and how to do pretty much everything to build this box it would be great.


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Do you know how to build a sealed box? Do you have the tools?

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for the first box you picked a hell of 1 you might want to get someone to help you build it that has built ported boxes before. You got to get them right or it won't sound right. Or, you could damage your drivers. I'd be more help but you need too much

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A box isn't really that hard. You just need to have a good saw, a jig saw or router to cut the sub holes, maybe some long clamps to hold the glued sides together, and/or a drill or nailgun to put screws or nails in to hold them together while the glue dries.

Most of the messing up happens in the planning stages.

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