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Anybody here a member of Hauntworld?

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I am asking because I signed up almost a week ago and still have not been accepted as a fourm member. I can read but am not able to reply.

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I used to think people who claimed to see ghosts/spirits were flakes

and I have always wanted a paranormal experience....untill it actually happened

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It is rather neat. There are a lot of flakes out there. The only problem is it is hard to recreat in a haunted house.

If you don't mind telling what was your experience?

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Finally the webmaster granted me access!! :ghost:

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i lived in a house with spirts

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Good or Bad spirts.

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well they falked with me alot!

and pushed my mom off a ladder

so i guess bad.. they never did anything nice!

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Do you still live in that house?

What I do is build props (pnumatic, lighting, and audio) for haunted houses.

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no i moved years and years ago...

the house was built in 1930, it had tons of history....

one time a friend and i were making some burgers, i threw mine togather and sat down to eat.. my friend was being a prick like he was iron cheif or someshit making his burger perfect ... he turned around to get some mustered from the fridge and i watched his burger go from resting in the middle of the counter flip on to the floor as if someone had just lifted it up and drop it ......

later that night we were going from the kicthen to the rest of the house.. it had a old swing door... he went to walk thru it and it was stiff as if it was boreded shut... he even leaned into it with his body weight... it went no where....

i reached over bearly even touched the door and it swung open all the way!

another time in the middle of the night i woke up to take a piss... i was doin my thing and i looked over and seen the rest room door moving just a hair.. then WHAM it slamed shut! i pissed all over the place...

another time i was layin in bed... i had an occolating fan... had been used in my room for a long time...

anyway .. we had all wood floors and the house was a pairum beam... so you could hear people walking... and the wood would creak..

anyway... i hear someone walking in my room and slap the fan on the floor... my door was shut.. and no one else was in it!

another time.. i was at work... and my mom called my cell phone and told me.. STOP RUNNING IN THE DAMN HOUSE! mom im at work..... oh shit... she went out and looked.. all doors locked all windown shut... she said she could hear someone just running back and forth in the house... a very loud act... but no one was there..

last story for now..

my mom was hanging Xmas lights.. somthing she did every year... my mom is a tough lady.. anyway.. she was on the ladder.. and she said somthing pushed her ladder back... not to the side not sliped the ladder went from \ with her on it to / with her on the ground.. broken back broken legs broken feet and toes, broken sholder and broken ribs.... took her a year to recover.

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Hope your mom recovered from that and is doing alright.

You have had some interesting events happen to you.

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i also live in a town called lake wales florida... they had a hill "spookhill" ever heard of it.. your link reminded me

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No I have not heard of spookhill. Do you have any info? Spook Haven came from the town we live in. Just dropped the Lock and used Spook.

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That chit's crazy. My old neighbor had this picture of him from the 80's with his buddy and there IS a ghost standing in between them. He told us that him and his roommates would actually communicate with the ghost. Hard to believe, but after seeing the picture there isn't a doubt in my mind.

What happened to you Thumpper?

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Thanks for the link. I am going to share that with my partners, sounds like it could be added to our swamp scene.

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just over 3 years ago my family and I (wife and 2 kids) lived in a House in Kelowna BC

we were there for just over 2 years...at first it was normal like any other house but after about

6 months I would always see things move out of the corner of my eye...we had things go missing

and re apear in a different location..this caused fights between me and the wife

several times my son who was 3 years old would be found absolutley petrified under a bed or

in a corner in the basement..he is slightly autistic so we did not really think anything of it..

my wife was in the shower one night and she saw something watching her thru the clear shower curtain

thinking it was my daughter...both kids were fast asleep and I was in the bedroom..there was a few

times when I felt like I walked thru a wall of spider webs in the basement but there was nothing visible

the kids were in bed and I was watching TV...and I had a 10 min conversation with my wife who was sitting

at the computer "or so I thought" I asked her a question and no answer...I searched the house trying to

find where she went finally realizing that she was at work...this really creaped me out because I saw

someone sitting in the chair at the computer desk

this is when things got out of control...I heard people talking downstairs..I searched and found nothing

so I walked around the house knowing there was something there so I started calling it out

I said I know you are here stop hiding and show yourself...

my wife and I were watching TV and she seen what looked like a hunched over old man with whispy hair

or a feather like thing coming off the back of it's head..it crossed the hallway and dissapeared down the stairs

several times over the next few weeks we seen it go down the center of the hallway towards my sons room..

I was sleeping one night and I woke up with the feeling of something ..it felt like the blanket gained 20 pounds

like it was being pushed down around me...I jumped up all creaped out once my nerves settled I tried to fall

asleep watching the large digital numbers on the alarm clock...something moved between me and the alarm

clock..the numbers looked all distorted and blurry

my son had a few more freak out episodes over the next few days..my wife and I were watching TV and we both

seen what looked like a heat wave move along the wall in front of the vertical blinds..it was all distorted looking.

that night my wife woke up and seen something standing at the end of our bed watching us...she FREAKED out

our computer would turn on and off by itself in the middle of the night with the speakers cranked and the windows

noise when it turns on would wake us up..my DVD player went dead and our microwave quite a few days later

and we noticed our 110 pound German Shepard would go hide in the opossite end of the house from where we


another thing that really got us wondering is that my sons bedroom was always freezing cold at night...

like I mean cold so you could see your breath..

we had a friend come over with her son one day..she was walking thru our basement and she seen what

looked like a short boy with whispy hair standing there looking at her and it dissaprared around the corner..

she followed it into the room and found nothing..she broke down in tears and left..she never came back to the house

I also had a friend of mine who seen something and he refused to even drive down my street..

we finnaly decided to move and on the night I was loading up the moving truck the kids were playing

on the living room floor I walked up the stairs looked towards the kids and everything looked all distorted

it was the most fucked up thing...it felt like someone threw a 5 galon bucket of bugs on me and it felt like I

had spider webs inside my head..I could not see and I could hear a weird noise like crinkling or streaching plastic wrap..

I felt like I was surrounded by static electricity..I yelled for my wife and when she came down the hall

she said her eyes went all blurry and it felt like she had spider webs inside her eyes

I seriously almost shit myself...it was the most scared I have ever been in my life

we all slept together in the living room and the next day we finished loadin up and left....

I never even told my Landlord we were going..we just packed and left...

honest to god I was scared of the dark for about 7 or 8 months after that experience

it was the most unreal thing ever..I SERIOUSLY beleive there is something else out there besides us

if you think your house is Haunted keep your moth shut and DO NOT CALL IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow man. thats some creepy stuff.

Ive always believed in stuff like this.

And i have a story to tell about my experience.

Ok well theres this place called the Grim Hotel. was built in the early 90's, anyways this hotel was shutdown a long time ago and has been boarded up ever since a mass murder happend.

So one night me and 3 friends decided to sneak into this place. we got in everything PITCH BLACK. nothing but our flashlights. we walked up to the 5th floor after looking around in all the others,

and the hallways were very long and dark lined up with rooms on each side. Well we were walking like i said on the 5th floor and heard something walking. we stopped and looked around, and listened and heard it. I pointed my flash light down and hall and something sounded like it fell, i was scared shitless at this time, i turned the flashlight off and we all just sat there waiting for the noise to come back, once again it came and as soon as it did i turned the flashlight on, and in one of the doorways i sware i saw a little girl with a burnt face staring at us and quickly dissapeared back into the room. well we ran out of there FAST and i mean that was the scariest thing ive ever experienced.

We came back another night to see if we could see this little girl again, so we went to the 5th floor and started taking a good look. the ceiling and walls were all burnt. i guess we didnt notice it the first time we were in there but i never went back.

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Holy crap, you guys have had some serious encounters. Thumper you experienced some seriously bad spirits!! RobClay sounds to me there is a little girl who just wants to be remembered.

In the Haunted House business you hear all kinds of interesting experiences.

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thumper im like shaking just from reading eveything and i sleep in a michigan basement

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There are a lot of Haunted Houses in your area stuartgoodenough. :ghost:

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What do you think about this?

I am thinking about having an actor performing to Saliva Ladies and Gentleman with rolling fireballs over head. Do you think this will be a good enterance to a Haunted House?

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