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justin smith

18" Q not what it used to be?

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well ive had my sub since oct. and have been very happy with it untill recently it just seems like it was deff. louder a couple weeks ago. so i got the sub and pulled it out of my box to give it a once over beccause i dont have any meters of any kind. so i looked through the vents at the coil and it looked ok i guess was not all black. when you push on it, it make no scratching noise or any thing but seems alot looser than when new? and on the back of the magnet it has this (pit type things on it kinda looks like rust but its not brown its silver) stuff i got a pic but dont kow how to get it here its saved to my pictures can i get some help

Edited by justiin smith

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Your probably just really gettin used to it, happens to all of us.

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If you dont like it, i will take it off your hands :) is it d2?

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It's Been Truly Broken In, And You're Probably Getting Used To It. You'll Always Want To Go Louder. Lmao.

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Ya u most likley u got used to it... and its probably broken in wich usally u gain a little output wit... time to upgrade..klol

Srry for the chitty writting im using a phone... =[

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Things get quieter when you start to lose your hearing, fact of life is the only sense of the human body that gets worse from the day you are born is your hearing. It never gets better and won't come back, if it is quieter now perhaps thinking of why that is would be a good step.

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Things get quieter when you start to lose your hearing, fact of life is the only sense of the human body that gets worse from the day you are born is your hearing. It never gets better and won't come back, if it is quieter now perhaps thinking of why that is would be a good step.

Keep this in the front of your mind.

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haha it happens to all of us. my next move from my 12 is to a 15. then to a 18. then 2 18s then 4 18s and so on.

you got used to it.

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its not just me though my buddy was riding with me and said that it used to hurt his ears and now it dosen't so idk guess its time to upgrade

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its not just me though my buddy was riding with me and said that it used to hurt his ears and now it dosen't so idk guess its time to upgrade

Put the main fuse in the glove box for a week and try it after that :P

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break in? maybe your bud cant hear as well because his ears were hurting

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