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Front speakers don't work...

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Not sure if this is the correct place to post...if not, mods, feel free to move!

I recently installed a HU for a friend. She has a 1989 Ford Taurus. When she bought the car, the front speakers didn't work. I replaced the speakers last spring, and that did not fix the problem.

This past weekend, I installed a Pioneer HU, hoping that would correct the issue. But, no, it did not.

So I am wondering...could I just splice new speaker wire into the Pioneer side of the harness, and basically run new wires to the speakers? In doing this, I would bypass the factory wiring, hopefully solving the problem.

But, if I bypass the factory wiring, won't I also bypass factory ground? Or does the HU provide a sufficient ground for the speakers? I figure if necessary I could just ground the speakers somewhere in the door, and just run new power wires from the harness.

Sorry for the long-winded explanation, but I wanted to be as clear as I could be. I am going to try to fix this issue this coming weekend. I have asked this question on another forum, with no real results. Hoping you guys can help me out!



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no no whoa..

just run new wires from the door speakers to the head unit... no need for a new ground but it never hurts either...

dont ground the speakers to the doors.... a speaker works off AC power not DC.

but you may have another issue does the car have a ford premium sound system in it?

if so your problem may be that you need a factory amp by pass.

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No, the car does not have a premium sound system. Just basic factory HU and speakers. Also, when I installed the HU, the rear speakers still work fine. Just the fronts do not work at all. Thus my diagnosis of a wiring issue somewhere.

I was under the assumption that the speakers pick up ground via the factory harness, which is in turn grounded to the frame/uni-body...etc.

So I don't have to worry about making new grounds? Just pull a new set of wires, and I should be good to go?

Thanks again!


Edited by geowick07

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sounds like you may be talking about an old common ground radio....

no just a new + and - for each front speakers.... run them in to what should be the grey and white wires on the head unit.

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