We did some comparative testing between all the Sundown Audio SAZ series amplifiers today. The saz-1000d, saz-1500d, saz-2000d, and the saz-3000d. Guts of the new saz-1000d. This thing is a lil powerhouse. All testing was done in my '93 Explorer Sport on a single stock Sundown NightShade 15". The weather was very cold today down in the 30s. My peak frquency was off cause of the cold and overall I was down 0.8db with all amps but this test was only for comparison purposes anyways just to show the difference on the TL from one to the other. Up first the lil saz-1000d. It's so cute! Then the saz-1500d. 1.5db gain in a direct swap. Next is the saz-2000d. Another 0.8db gain with it. Last up was the saz-3000d. 0.7db up from there. All scores were done with the vehicle sealed & the mic on the windshield.