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ssd rms

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thanks. from reading that i should be ok then??? just wanting to make sure.

Edited by shift675

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You can blow that sub, and almost any sub for that matter with that amp.

If you send too much power to the sub, you will kill it. Period.

Until you have your box completed, nobody here can tell you how much power your alignment will handle. And even if you build a box that has the mechanical power handling for that amp, you can still fry the sub thermally.

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the ssd will have no problem with that amp. my friend has the same equipment.

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alright thanks earth man. as for the others im getting a ported box tuned at 33hz and its abt 2.1 cu ft i think not positive. can someone confirm because im getting mixed reviews?

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As long as you don't clip or distort the subs sound in any way, it will be just fine.

If it sound good, than likely, its not doing either of those things. Don't worry!

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Do you already have that amp? Also, you can blow the sub without clipping the signal. Too much power is too much power, plain and simple.

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HOW is that amp too much? Bp adds at least 200, so his sub can handle at least 1000. the amp is rated at 1100, but DOES NOT do rated power. i dont get it...

Edited by casedawg350

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I misread his topic. I assumed it was a D2 and he was going to run it at 1 ohm.

EDIT: I'm an idiot.

Edited by abxx

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If unsure I am always a fan of conservative settings. Get to know things for a little bit and then increase to a linear limit of the amp/sub/box combo if it seems like it will permit it.

All to often people tend to max things out before a real break in and then dont know that things have changed both mechanically and electrically (the impedance rise of the driver will change) and what seemed good before is now erring on the side of a problem.



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