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Infinite Baffle 2004 Cadillac Deville

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Here is my plan, I'm open to any input but I think this is the setup that is best going to meet my goals. First off, car is a 2004 deville with stock 10" IB sub on the rear deck. There is also a center armrest with a 9" x 11" opening into the trunk. I plan to use 6 of the Exodus Audio 10" drivers, one in the stock location, and the other 5 in a roughly 12-13" cube, one on each side and one on the rear that feeds through into the cab somewhat like the home theater guys do with their basements. The subs are 8 ohms (6.1 nominal) so 6 should help me maximize whatever amp I choose to use. Looking at probably a Sundown 2000D or 3000D.


I guess my main question is, with 19.1 cubic feet before the mild displacement of subs and cube in the trunk, is this going to function as enough of a trunk for an IB setup? I'm after SQ here and already have my front/rear stage and dampening materials picked out. Last piece of the puzzle is just finding the bottom 2 octaves. I like tight accurate bass that can go low and am not really after A huge box in my trunk or world record sound pressure levels, although I do love volume when cranking up some of my favorite live albums.

Thanks guys,


Edited by Mr.MartyStone

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Why do you need 6 of 'em? Since you are going to be going IB your power handling is going to be decreased and I'll bet you don't need a 3000D to put them at their limits. On your cube are you going to vent it into the cabin though the pass through in the center of the back seat? For IB 10x the Vas is optimal, 4x you can get away with, it isn't true IB but it'll work. For the driver that you chose 10x Vas is 25 cubic feet.

Any reason you don't want to step up to a 12-15" driver instead of the 10"? Easiest way to gain the displacement is just start with a bigger driver from the get go.

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  topgun said:
Why do you need 6 of 'em? Since you are going to be going IB your power handling is going to be decreased and I'll bet you don't need a 3000D to put them at their limits. On your cube are you going to vent it into the cabin though the pass through in the center of the back seat? For IB 10x the Vas is optimal, 4x you can get away with, it isn't true IB but it'll work. For the driver that you chose 10x Vas is 25 cubic feet.

Any reason you don't want to step up to a 12-15" driver instead of the 10"? Easiest way to gain the displacement is just start with a bigger driver from the get go.

I'd like to keep the footprint as small as possible into the trunk, I did consider 2 15" models in a clamshell, but i'd still have to remove the factory 10" on the rear deck and block it off somehow. Plus the 15" version is 8 ohm essentially limiting my amplifier choices with 2 of them. Yes the plan is to have them vent via the pass through, and I can realistically modify the passthrough to be larger but would prefer not to as to keep it as factory looking as possible.

If I went with 15" and used two or so, the baffles would protrude another 5-6" into the trunk. I would consider a 12" variant if it has the XBL motor setup, I really love the sound of those motors.

Also if I were to go this route, would the sundown 1200D get it done?

Edited by Mr.MartyStone

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If it was me I'd just go with a single 12 or 15" in the place of the factory 10" and fabricate an adapter plate to mount the larger driver in it.

Or another option if you decide to stray away from IB is might think about the new SI Mag 12", it only requires a 1 ft^3 box and it would be easy to put up in the factory placement spot. I'm going this way in my Cadillac, although the sub has yet to be installed.

I would think that the 1200D would work for two 15" IB subs, for a SQ setup they won't have to work to hard either.

Just curious, what do you have for the front stage setup?

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  topgun said:
If it was me I'd just go with a single 12 or 15" in the place of the factory 10" and fabricate an adapter plate to mount the larger driver in it.

Or another option if you decide to stray away from IB is might think about the new SI Mag 12", it only requires a 1 ft^3 box and it would be easy to put up in the factory placement spot. I'm going this way in my Cadillac, although the sub has yet to be installed.

I would think that the 1200D would work for two 15" IB subs, for a SQ setup they won't have to work to hard either.

Just curious, what do you have for the front stage setup?

Thanks man, I'm going to go do some more measuring and see if I can fit a 15" on the rear deck. It's either this route or maybe re-explore my options.

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Just measured, my rear deck is about 49" Wide and almost 20" Deep at center, tapers off to 17" or so deep at the ends. At that rate I could put 2 or possibly 3 15" versions on the rear deck. Would the 19.1 Ff^3 of trunk space be okay for these? Also I've never built an IB setup specifically for a vehicle, I know there is a little less low end extension but i have plenty of EQ to take care of that. Will I still have good output with 2 15" versions in an IB setup? I'd like to have a very capable system on the lowend that can keep up with my front soundstage.

And I also imagine I'd have to block off the pass through as well correct?

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Actually, you should have more low-end extension. The only areas you need to block off are any that would connect the sound waves from the front and rear of the driver.

Check out Kevin's application papers on DIYcable, I'm pretty sure he has sealed/ported/IB notes for each driver. It should give you a decent idea on how they'll perform.

Any reason you chose his drivers? They're great, don't get me wrong, but I'd also try modeling up the Fi IB3 guys too - they may work better given your application.

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  Amish said:
Actually, you should have more low-end extension. The only areas you need to block off are any that would connect the sound waves from the front and rear of the driver.

Check out Kevin's application papers on DIYcable, I'm pretty sure he has sealed/ported/IB notes for each driver. It should give you a decent idea on how they'll perform.

Any reason you chose his drivers? They're great, don't get me wrong, but I'd also try modeling up the Fi IB3 guys too - they may work better given your application.

Yeah I checked them over but don't like the fact there are no T/S parameters listed on their site. I'll give them a call today and see what they have to say, their IB 15's look like they could be a winner given certain requirements. I like the XBL motor setup on the diycable drivers, just always loved the low distortion figures of those motors which is why I sought them out. Plus being only $140 doesn't hurt either.

Edited by Mr.MartyStone

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I know Scott hasn't updated the Fi site, they are listed on his Home Theater Shack forum though if you're still curious. They come in more car-audio friendly impedances and I believe they've got a higher Fs which would help a bit in a trunk due to the massive cabin gain. Not trying to talk you out of things, just trying to open up some other opportunities!

Also check out the Cult of the Infinitely Baffled, they provide some general direction on volumes needed for certain T/S parameters. Just beware that it's a home-audio only site, you'll get ignored or flamed for asking car questions there. I'd venture to say that "ideally" 2 15s would be too much/max allowable for a trunk, but "ideally" is often different than the real world. I wouldn't expect you to be able to squeeze more than that in without compromising your performance based on it being trunk-baffled, I've only thought about going this route tentatively though so no real-life experience.

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Well after chatting it up with Nick, I am pulling the trigger on two IB15" subs in the rear deck. I'm pretty pumped to get this setup going, just have to order my front soundstage tonight after I figure out what depths I can get away with and the subs tomorrow once my other check comes in.


Edited by Mr.MartyStone

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Woot woot!!! Ordered (2) IB15's...rear deck fabrication might be tricky with relocating the trunk cantilever system and moving the seatbelt mounts. I think i'll be able to figure it out...

Edited by Mr.MartyStone

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good luck with your build. please post up some pics of the ib. im interested in seeing one done.

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Good Luck with this, I'd be very interested to see this build progress.

But seriously good luck, Caddy's have been the biggest pain to work on so far :suicide-santa: . Just my experience though.

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  todd.brust said:
Good Luck with this, I'd be very interested to see this build progress.

But seriously good luck, Caddy's have been the biggest pain to work on so far :suicide-santa: . Just my experience though.

Yeah they can be a pain with the window motors always going out, the northstar is a wretched design but makes good power and will last a while if you take good care of it. I'll post pics up in a few days, I'm going to start pulling the back seat and rear deck tomorrow to start fabbing some stuff up, the trunk cantilever system is the only hiccup i have to get around. Maybe just throw a few gas rods in there...we'll figure something out. I just want this to look 100% factory with nothing exposed or an eye sore of any kind.

Edited by Mr.MartyStone

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