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Some Altima Flex

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40 wide by 22 deep (I think) by 15 or 15.25 tall.

It's bad the 40 wide is the only one I am sure about.

Hmmm, what do you think if I shortened the width and height? 36 wide, 14 high, and 20 deep? For my Nightshades.

Is this for 12's or 15's?

Edit: Nevermind

Dual 12"

Yeah, I went back and found it....

I would do something like 25 wide by as tall as you can by as deep as you need. Subs forward side ported. Push the box back all the way against the inside of the trunk on the passager side.

As soon as I can I am going to rebuild with that type of box. (Subs forword and side ported).

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40 wide by 22 deep (I think) by 15 or 15.25 tall.

It's bad the 40 wide is the only one I am sure about.

Hmmm, what do you think if I shortened the width and height? 36 wide, 14 high, and 20 deep? For my Nightshades.

Is this for 12's or 15's?

Edit: Nevermind

Dual 12"

Yeah, I went back and found it....

I would do something like 25 wide by as tall as you can by as deep as you need. Subs forward side ported. Push the box back all the way against the inside of the trunk on the passager side.

As soon as I can I am going to rebuild with that type of box. (Subs forword and side ported).

By sub up side ported you mean aeroports facing the cabin right?

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Point the subs forward into the cabin and port the box toward the drivers side of the car. You can use Aero ports or a slot port.

This is looking into the trunk from the cabin. (Derek Jackson's car)


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