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OK OK so the new jbl amps put out 2200 watts at 1, 2, 3, 4, etc ohms right..


if i hook up 4 subs that see 1 ohm, they all get 2200 watts? :faintthud:

or am i incorect, i mean it makes since right.

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thats what i'm sayin that sounds right because you would be changing the ohm load, but since it puts out the same wattage at all ohms y would it change/

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well look at it this way, take an amp is like a glass of water, if you hook one sub up to it its like having one straw to drink with, but the more straws you put in the glass it equals out the amount that can be drawn but all of them are equal. Not sure if that makes sense or not.

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yes, i understand what you are saying.

But wt ur analogy it would be like if ur had a small(8ohms), medium(4 ohms), and large(2ohms) straw.

that makes since but wt this amp the same amount of stuff in the straw comes out the same no matter what size straw. And the reason i'm askin is because the only reason ur power is cut in half when you have two subs is because you have more resistance, so even though i have more resistance wt this amp you still get the same amount of wattage.... get me now.

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the PG Xenon amps I think have this ohm load flexability too

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And the reason i'm askin is because the only reason ur power is cut in half when you have two subs is because you have more resistance, so even though i have more resistance wt this amp you still get the same amount of wattage

Voltage remains constant. Depending on the wiring, the other variable will change. Parallel, current increases, resistance decreases. Series is the exact opposite. Now this is of course assuming all drivers are of the same nominal impedance.

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